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大矸镇卫生院2012年食品安全宣传周活动计划   为深入宣传贯彻食品安全法,进一步普及食品安全知识,增进全社会对食品安全的参与意识,动员全社会关心、支持和参与食品安全工作,食品安全宣传周活动,要以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导深入贯彻落实科学发展观,强化食品生产经营者的法律意识、责任意识、诚信意识,提高能力,营造良好社会氛围,促进社会和谐发展。 大矸镇卫生院 2012年11月7日 食品卫生安全宣传周活动总结 11月1号到7号是今年的全国食品安全宣传周,开展《》宣传活动,普及食品安全常识,提升公众食品安全意识。 现将活动总结如下:《食品安全法实施条例》、形式多样,重点突出宣传活动以“”为主题,以宣传贯彻《食品安全法》、《食品安全法实施条例》、食品添加剂的功能类别等为主线,坚持“贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近群众”的原则,围绕与人民群众日常生活关系密切、社会普遍关注的食品安全问题,大力宣传国家和省、市对食品安全工作的决策部署及工作成效。通过本次宣传周活动,使广大食品生产经营者及群众对《食品安全法》有了进一步的认识,增强了群众的食品安全防范意识,提高了依法维权和自我保护能力。我将以此次活动为契机,加强的监督力度,充分利用媒体进行广泛宣传,提高公众食品卫生意识,确保弱势群体的食品安全。 top engineering, as a change in our city underdeveloped coastal look pivotal, fight bile, courage, it is policy environment. A facility, order disorder, service is not good, the city is not to recruit good projects, large projects. To through the comprehensive treatment, quickly put the environmental card to play out, the good image of the tree, the city business card polished, and constantly enlarge eye effect, enhance the attractiveness and competitiveness of the city, improve concentration projects, capital, talent, technology ability. (3) to carry out the creation of the national civilized city comprehensive rectification of the outstanding problems, is to create the urgent demand of the national civilized city. The national civilized city is reflect the overall level of urban development and the civilized degree of honor, cities across the country are paying more attention to this gold lettered signboard and, increasingly fierce competition. Since 2003, created to carry out the work, the 308 nomination city only 69 created successfully. Through the joint efforts of the city last year I won the honorary title of national civilized city nomination city, has entered the province to create the first phalanx. Whether in 2017 fulfill a wish to enter the national civilized city Ranks of the city, the urban construction and the management level is an important consideration in the column of- 2 - top engineering, as a change in



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