A Rose for Emily推荐.ppt

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A Rose for Emily推荐

Part V 1. The very old men, who were even older than Miss Emily, came to the funeral. Some of them were veterans of the Civil War, and they had put on their old Confederate uniforms to pay their last respect this Southern lady from an aristocratic family. Standing on the porch and the lawn, they talked of Miss Emily, mistakenly thinking of her as someone of their age, born around 1840 or so whereas she (born around 1855) was much younger than they were. They imagined they had danced with her and courted her perhaps. As the old people often do, they confused the dates and years of past happenings. To the old people, all the past should be like a road that becomes smaller as it reaches further back. But to those old southerners, the recent past of ten years or so was like a bottleneck, a narrow passage, or a tunnel. Beyond that narrow passage, the remote past became a huge level meadow where things were pleasantly and fondly mixed up together. Like the green grass on the meadow never touched by the winter, their memories of the remote past remained blurred, sweet, romanticized, and unchanged. a. mathematical progression: sequence or succession of happenings in time marked by numbers b. bottleneck: any place, as a narrow road, where traffic is slowed up or halted; any point at which movement or progress is slowed up. * 停尸架上方悬挂着她父亲的炭笔画像,一脸深刻沉思的表情,女人们唧唧喳喳地谈论着死亡,而老头们呢——有些人还穿上了刷得很干净的南方同盟军制服——则在走廊上,草坪上纷纷谈论着爱米丽小姐的一生,仿佛她是他们的同龄人,而且还相信和她跳过舞,甚至向她求过爱,他们把按数学级数向前推进的时间给搅乱了。这是老年人常有的情形。在他们看来,过去的岁月不是一条越来越窄的路,而是一片从来没有冬天光顾的广袤的大草地,只是最近十年却像窄小的瓶颈,把他们同过去隔断了。 * 2. Just before his death, the man was lying in a position of an embrace. But death that always lasts longer than love and conquers even the pain and suffering of love had turned him into a man whose wife proved unfaithful. 那尸体躺在那里,很显然曾经呈拥抱的姿势。但是,比爱情更持久的长眠、甚至连爱情的熬煎都征服了的长眠,使他屈服了。他所遗留下来的肉体已在破烂的睡衣下腐烂,跟他躺着的木床粘在一起,难分难解了。在他身上和他身旁的枕上,均匀地覆盖着一层长年累月堆积下来的灰尘。 * Why did Miss Emily kill Homer Barron? Barron had des


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