中国相关文化知识英文之茶相关文化知识Tea culture.ppt

中国相关文化知识英文之茶相关文化知识Tea culture.ppt

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中国相关文化知识英文之茶相关文化知识Tea culture.ppt

? ? ? ? ;? ;; ;“Tea was discovered by Shennong and became popular as a drink in the State of Lu because of Zhou Gong.” “茶之为饮,发乎神农氏,闻于鲁周公。” ----陆羽.《茶经》 ;At the very beginning, tea was used as an antidotal medicine. Then it was found to be able to relieve internal heat and refresh mind, and people begin to drink it. ;The Place of Origin;Tea in Daily Life; 3. The custom of drinking tea gradually spread out from Sichuan, and towards the end of Western Han Dynasty, drinking tea became a fashion for those people with high social status. 4. Later from the Jin to the Sui Dynasties, tea drinking became popular among the common people. 5. Tea drinking proposed in Tang Dynasty. As it is became more and more popular, the way of drinking varied.; 6. In Song Dynasty, people came to drink tea even more delicately than in Tang times and the technique for making tea greatly improved. Chalu《茶录》—— Caixiang蔡襄 7. By the Yuan Dynasty, drinking tea was very common. Making tea was one of the seven necessities of everyday life. Meanwhile the method of drinking tea changed—on longer adding additional condiment into tea but pure boiling to make tea.; 8. In Ming and Qing Dynasties, tea drinking differed from that of previous dynasties. People drank tea in almost the same way as we do today, except the method of drinking tea was constantly changing. In Ming Dynasty, green tea was the most common tea-drink, but flower tea also came into being, Down to the Qing Dynasty, jasmine tea was produced in Suzhou; Wulong Tea and black tea appeared. ;;Kinds of Chinese Tea;The Difference of Kinds of Tea; 绿茶、黄茶家族; 红茶、黑茶家族; 白茶、青茶家族;中国名茶;龙井;碧螺春;白毫银针;安徽铁观音;黄山毛峰;北京的大碗茶 ;;;白族三道茶 ;英国茶 ;人们一天中的任何时间均可以饮茶: 早上醒来时至下床前或早饭时有早茶; 上午11点左右有15分钟的“茶休”喝“上午茶”; 下午茶在下午4~5时的茶休中进行,大约也是15分钟。 茶点一般是现成的食品,有面包、黄油、果酱、糕点和饼干。 ;英国本土不产茶叶。英国饮茶,始于17世纪中期,1662年葡萄牙凯瑟琳公主嫁与英国查尔斯二世时,将几箱中国“正山小种”红茶作为嫁妆,带入英国皇宫 特别注重午后饮茶,其源始于18世纪中期。因英国人重视早餐,轻视午餐,直到晚上8时以后才进晚餐。由


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