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Calibration of the focal plane detectors for a compact MPR neutron spectrometer with proton beam from HI-13 tandem accelerator Guoguang Zhangab*,Xia Lib , Ji Baob , Jianfu Zhanga, Long Houb ,Zuying Zhoub, aNorthwest Institute of Nuclear Technology, Xi’an, Shaanxi, 710024, P.R.C bChina Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing, 102413, P.R.C Abstract A new compact magnetic proton recoil (MPR) type spectrometer has been developed for diagnosing fusion neutrons. The designs of beam optics and focal plane detectors (FPD) of the MPR spectrometer are presented. The calibration experiment of the FPD, which is consisted of silicon micro strips, has been performed on the HI-13 tandem accelerator at China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE). The uncertainty of the measurement data is discussed. Keywords: focal plane detector, energy calibration, magnetic proton recoil spectrometer, beam optics 1. INTRODUCTION The magnetic proton recoil (MPR) spectrometer has been utilized in the measurement of the thermonuclear neutrons from a fusion reactor [1, 2]. The instrument is based on the principle that neutrons can be converted to protons through elastic scattering in a proton-rich conversion foil and the fact that protons’ traveling in a magnetic field can be separated in space due to their momentum difference. When protons enter the magnetic spectrometer, momentum selection takes place and their energies can be deduced by their positions on a focal plane detector array at the exit of the spectrometer. The protons are only recoiled from the elastic scattering process and there is practically no other extraneous production of protons. Furthermore, only forward recoiled protons are used so the energy downshift is small. This helps obtaining good energy resolution and low background interference. This spatial distribution can be related back to neutron energy at the foil. The MPR spectrometer was installed at the Joint European Torus (JET) in 1996 and has provided diagnostics of mainly for


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