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The rise of the new French and British north American development produced a sharp contradictions (矛盾), British and French settlers has been conducted for control of the north American continent. The seven years war begins and burst. VS In September 1759, the British invasion of Quebec city, Montreal, the second year also fall into the hand of the British. In 1763, a paper signed the treaty of Paris (巴黎合约) marks the formal end of the British and French for seven years‘ war. According to the provisions(条款) of the treaty of Paris, the new France in one hundred and fifty become a part of the British north American colonies. This is the British conquest in the history of Canada. The British conquest about the original French Canadian influences in many aspects: ? ? ? ? The reform of political system The transformation of the economic system The consolidation of the Catholic’ status(天主教地位的巩固) The changing structure of the population 华丽的分割线〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓 During the summer,most of southern provinces often experience high levels of humidity(湿度) and temperatures. The main climate in Canada is Temperate continental climate. (温带大陆性气候) In winter, temperatures fall below freezing point throughout most of Canada. The capital: Ottawa (渥太华) ?is?the?capital?of?Canada, the?fourth?largest?city?in?the? country.? Toronto(多伦多) Is?the?provincial?capital(省会)of?Ontario and?the?largest?city?in?Canada.? Vancouver (温哥华) is?a?coastal?harbor?city(沿海港口城市)?in?Canada.? Rank?among(跻身于) the?top-ten?of?the?worlds?most?livable?cities?for?five?straight?years.? The Other?cities: Waterloo (滑铁卢) The majority of its population is student. Montreal (蒙特利尔) It’s the world’s most?livable?city. Calgary (卡尔加里) Means clear flow water. The majestic(庄严的)Canadian Rockies are the Canadian segment(段;部分) of the North American Rocky mountains. (落基山脉) They are a visitor’s wonderland and the playgroun



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