英文介绍美国饮食 快餐 相关文化知识.ppt

英文介绍美国饮食 快餐 相关文化知识.ppt

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英文介绍美国饮食 快餐 相关文化知识.ppt

Fast food! 比较富有美国当地特色的是快餐,如以麦当劳为代表的汉堡包餐厅、以肯德基为代表的炸鸡餐厅,此外还有出售披萨、三明治和热狗的快餐店。在正规餐厅里就餐后要付10—20%的小费,而在快餐厅里就不必付小费了。总体来说,吃快餐比较节省开支。 Wendys was the first national chain to openly challenge McDonalds in the burgers and fries wars Arby’s has its own special hamburgers ,it’s worth having a try! But it is a little expensive! Fast Food 快餐食品 Fast-food chains,American-style, are currently on the increase all over the world.Most of these places work on a similar principle. There is a long counter , above which is displayed a list(often with pictures) of the items available, and behind which several people(often students working for the minimum wage)are serving. Individual queues form in front of each assistant . You receive what you order more or less immediately and take it on a tray(托盘) to a table, picking up thing like straws(吸管), pepper, salt, ketchup(蕃茄酱),pickles(泡菜)and napkins(餐巾纸) on the way.If you can’t see any knives and forks , this means you are supposed to eat with your hands.If you can’t see any straws, that’s because they are hiding in the straw dispenser(分配器) that you have to fiddle(拨弄) with the bottom of it to get a straw(one at a time)to emerge.When you’ve finished, you yourself throw away everything except the tray. Don’t think it’s a train! Sandwich! How to order in Subway? 你可以自选产品、自选面包、自选尺寸、自选配料、自选肉类和蔬菜、自选调味酱和套餐. 一、关于面包 1. Monterey Cheddar (蒙特利切达) 2. Wheat (全麦面包) 3. Honey Oat?(蜂蜜燕麦) 4. White/Italian(白面包) 5.?Italian Herbs? Cheese (意式草本加起司) 二、三明治里面有加起司,关于起司种类 1.?American (美式起司) 2. Shredded Monterey?Cheddar (切丝蒙特利切达起司) 3. Pepper Jack(辣味杰克起司) 4. Provolone (波伏洛起司) 三、关于常用的配菜 1. Lettuce (生菜) 2. Tomato (蕃茄) 3. Cucumber (小黄瓜) 4. Black olivers?(黑橄榄) 5.?Red Onions?(红洋葱) 6. Pickle (酸黄瓜) 7. Jalapeno (墨西哥绿辣椒) 8. Banana Peppers?(黄辣椒) 四、关于酱料 1. Mustard (黄芥末) 2.?Honey Mustard?(蜂蜜芥末) 3. Sweet ?Onion (甜葱酱) 4. Vinegar (红醋) 5.?Mayonaise Light(低卡蛋黄酱也称美乃滋) 6. Ranch牧场调料(主要成分有蛋黄酱、酸奶和大蒜,其他成分有盐、欧芹、洋葱和辣椒等,其中的酸奶和大蒜赋予撬调料一种特有的冲味儿)? 7. Mayonaise Regular?(普通蛋黄酱) Let’s orde


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