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摘要 研究课题的内容:在IT行业高速发展的时代,电脑已成为人们日常生活的必需品之一,而电脑上网又成为大势所趋,互联网已成为人们快速获取、发布和传递信息的重要渠道,并且正以一种前所未有的力量潜移默化的影响着人们的衣食住行等一切活动,因此网站建设在Internet上的重要性不言而喻。 1.B/S(客户端/服务器)软件体系结构的架构 2.JSP校内新闻信息管理系统的需求分析 3.整个系统的总体功能结构设计 4.数据库的设计 5.采用MVC模式,把交互系统的组成分解成模型、视图、控制器三部分。 6.用户组件和样式的设计。建立统一的样式文件进行管理。 7.实现以下主要功能:注册登录、前台新闻浏览管理、后台新闻管理等。 8.完成毕业设计论文 主要工作任务:分析总体结构,设计数据库,画出总体设计结构图。编写代码,分步调试,综合调试。完成论文。 Internet、JSP、Java、SQL Server Abstract The research content: in the high-speed development of IT industry, computer has become one of the necessities of peoples daily life, but the computer Internet and become represent the general trend, the Internet has become an important channel for people to obtain, release and transfer information, and is in an unprecedented power to influence character by environment with all activities of people basic necessities of life therefore the website construction, the importance of self-evident in Internet. The main contents of this paper are as follows: 1.B/S (client / server) software architecture framework Analysis of 2.JSP school news information management system requirements The overall structure design of the whole system functions 3 4 database design 5 using MVC mode, the interactive system into model, view, controller of three parts. 6 Design of user component and style. A style file unified management. 7 to achieve the following main functions: registration, the news management, news management, backstage. 8 completed the graduation design and thesis Main task: analysis of the overall structure, design of database, draw the overall design structure diagram. Write code, step by step debugging, debugging. Complete the paper. The general description of the design: Keywords: Internet, JSP, Java, SQL Server 绪论 - 1 - 第一章 系统相关技术背景综述 - 5 - 1.1. JSP - 5 - 1.2 HTML语言 - 5 - 1.3. Java - 5 - 1.4. 数据库系统 - 6 - 第二章 系统总体设计分析 - 7 - 2.1 开发及运行环境 - 7 - 2.2 可行性分析 - 7 - 2.3 系统需求分析 - 7 - 2.4 系统实现的目标 - 8 - 2.5 系统功能模块设计 - 8 - 2.5.1 新闻发布系统主要模块设计 - 8 - 2.5.2 数据库设计 - 9 -



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