宜立特大学英语1 Unit5-2 Text A教学文稿.ppt

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宜立特大学英语1 Unit5-2 Text A教学文稿.ppt

The town provides a wide choice of entertainment. 这个镇提供了很多娱乐选择。 entertainment n. 1. things such as films, television, performances, etc. that are intended to amuse or interest people 娱乐活动;文娱节目 give an entertainment to sb. 招待某人 2. when you entertain someone at home, or for business 招待;款待 He will be remembered for that one book alone. to be famous for something important that you did in the past 因……而有名;因……而被记住 仅仅那一本书就可以使他留名于世了。 be remembered for/as Hell be remembered as a true sportsman. 人们将把他作为一名真正的运动员牢记在心中 influence n. the power to affect the way someone or something develops, behaves, or thinks without using direct force or orders 影响;势力 The Council had considerable influence over many government decisions. 这个理事会对很多政府决策有着重大影响。 Marx was strongly influenced by the historian Niebuhr. 马克思深受历史学家尼布尔的影响。 vt. to affect the way someone or something develops, behaves, thinks, etc. without directly forcing or ordering them 影响;感化 lead the way The Swedes have led the way in data protection. be the first to do something, and show other people how to do it 带路;示范;引领 瑞典人引领了数据保护(技术)。 focus on to give special attention to one particular person or thing, or to make people do this 集中;聚焦 She tried to focus her mind on her work. 她尝试集中精力工作。 keep … together to make something remain as it used to be 维系;维持 His mother left no means untried to keep the family together. 他的母亲想尽一切办法来维持这个家。 company n. The company doubled its size in nine years. 1. a business organization that makes or sells goods or services 公司 9年来这家公司的规模扩大了一倍。 Her secret is known by the company she keeps. 2. when you are with other people and not alone 陪伴;同伴 她的秘密被她的同伴知道了。 creative a. The writing of poems, stories or plays is often called creative writing. 诗歌、小说和剧本的写作常常被称作创作。 involving the use of imagination to produce new ideas or things 创造性的;有创造力的;有想象力的 urge vt. 1. to strongly suggest that someone do something 极力主张,强烈要求 他强烈要求在12月份进行一次公投。 He urged that a referendum be held by December. I had an urge to se


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