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When I was just a little girl, I asked my mother, What will I be? Will I be pretty? Will I be rich? Heres what she said to me: Que sera, sera, Whatever will be, will be; The futures not ours to see. Que sera, sera, Whatever will be, will be.; 歌曲源自著名导演艾尔弗雷德·希区科克的电影《擒凶记》(The man who knew too much)。 影片讲述一对美国的医生麦昆夫妇带着一个年幼的儿子在摩洛哥阿拉伯人聚居区观光时,目睹了一个法国人遭到谋 杀。法国人在弥留之际将内情告诉了这位麦昆医生,于是麦昆医生成了一项间 谍阴 谋的知情人。间谍组织绑架了他的儿子作为人质,要挟他保持沉默,麦昆夫妇为营救儿子,毅然投入一场揭露间 谍的搏斗…… 演唱者多丽丝·戴(Doris Day)也是影片中女主角麦昆夫人的扮演者,她就是唱着这首“Whatever will be, will be ”给囚禁中的小儿子发信号,而最终将其带出险境。    这首歌在当年一举荣获奥斯卡最佳电影插曲金像奖,随着时间的流逝,它的生命已经超越了电影本身,在半个多世纪之后依然给人无穷的力量。    Doris Day,美国歌手兼电影演员,1950年代在音乐片和60年代初在性感喜剧中的演出使她成为著名的好莱坞明星。Doris Day清新的面容,天真清纯而又性感动人的歌喉,是美国流行音乐的一个历史标志。她是美国二战后流行音乐歌手中名气最大的一位。 ;Go easy on my conscience ‘Cause it’s not my fault I know I‘ve been taught To take the blame Rest assured my angels Will catch my tears Walk me out of here I’m in pain As my soul heals the shame I will grow through this pain Lord Im doing all I can To be a better man;一年之交多美丽????By Turlough O Carolan??????????? ???????????????????????? ? How beautiful the turning of the year!? ???????????? ? 一年之交多美丽 A moment artificial yet profound:?????????????????? 虽人划之意深远 Point upon an arbitrary chart???????????????????? ???? 日历一刻留心田 passing like a breath upon the heart,????????????? 时光飞逝喘息间 yearning with anticipation wound,????????????????? 几多渴望殷切??? new hope new harbored in old-fashioned cheer.???老派欢庆孕新冀 ? even when the boundary line is clear,?????????? 纵当界限分明时 we recognize the oneness of the ground.??????? 仍知天地本何以 years, like circles, do not end or start,??????? 年无始末如圆环 Except we lay across their truth our art,?????? 惟用艺术诠释之 adjusting dates as they go round and round,??? 日复一日人调适 Revolving to a tune long sung and dear.???????? 一曲分化恒久远;I used to be a child A little nail in the crowd, Curiously asking WHAT?WHY?HOW? I used to be a child Singing, dancing, risking Without worrying. I lau


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