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1 2 2, 3 3* 王列富, 雒红宇, 杨玉珍 , 彭方仁 ( 1. , 464000; 2. ; 3. ) :以江苏南京四川广元湖南洞口湖北随州河南西峡陕西 康 6 个种源香椿苗木为材料进行盆栽试 验,研究干旱胁迫下香椿可溶性糖的动态变化结果表明: 干旱胁迫下 6 个种源香椿的可溶性糖含量均高于对照, 同一种源不同时期香椿苗木可溶性糖的变化趋势基本一致, 只是不同时期的变化幅度因种源不同而不同在整 个 轻度胁迫过程中,叶片可溶性糖含量呈现/ 低-高-低0 的变化趋势重度胁迫下, 可溶性糖含量变化趋势与轻度胁 迫下 一致,但含量高于轻度胁迫水平同一时期不同种源香椿苗木可溶性糖含量变化幅度不同, 湖南洞口种源增 幅最小, 恢复能力也最弱 :香椿; 种源;干旱胁迫; 可溶性糖 Dynam ic Changes of Soluble Sugars in Seedlings ofDifferentToona sinensis Provenances underDrought StressMWANG Lie-fu, LUOHong-yu, ANG u-zhen, PENG Fang-ren Abstract: The dynam ic changes of soluble sugars under drought stresswere studied in potted seedlings of sixToona sinensis provenances, whichwere from Nanjing of Jiangsu, Guangyuan ofSichuan, Dongkou ofHunan, Suizhou ofHube,i X ixia of Henan andAnkang ofShanx.i The results showed that the contentof soluble sugars in seedlings ofsixToona sinensis prove- nances under droughtstresswashigher than that of the control respectively. The tendenciesof soluble sugarswere smi ilar in different phases for the same provenance. But the change extentwas differentwith the provenances. The contentof soluble sugars in leaveswas fluctuated as low-high-low with the tmi e both under light and heavy stress, butmuch higher under the heavy stress than under the light stress. In the same stress phase, the increment of soluble sugars varied with the prove- nances. The provenance Dongkou ofHunan had the least increment in soluble sugars and the least recovery ability after re- watering among six provenances. K ey words: Toona sinensis; Provenances; Drought stress; Soluble sugars. F irst author. s address:X inyang ProfessionalTechnicalCollege, 464000, X inyang, He. nan, China , , 43%


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