2015中考复习九级UNIT1 2课件 5.ppt

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9.I could feel the ________(warm) of his arms around me. 10.Its important to learn ________(wise). warmth wisely Ⅲ.根据汉语意思完成句子 1.我爱上了这部令人激动又滑稽的电影。 I fell ________ ________ ________ this exciting and funny movie. 2.他意识到他可以通过只听关键词来理解意思。 He ________ he could get the meaning ________ ________ for just the key words. in love with realized by listening 3.如果你想更多地了解它们,你可以查词典。 If you want to know more about them, you can ________ ________ ________ in a dictionary. 4.我想知道你们是否在中秋节的夜晚赏月。 I wonder ________ you ________ the full moon ________ the Mid-Autumn night. look them up if/whether admire on 5.在中国,庆祝母亲节越来越流行。 _________ Mothers Day is ________ and ________ ________ in China. 6.那些孩子们认为装扮成卡通人物很有趣。 The kids think its fun ________ ________ ________ ________ cartoon characters. Celebrating more more popular to dress up as 7.简是如此害怕,以至于她早早地就醒来了。 Jane was ________ scared ________ she ________ ________ very early. 8.这些月饼多么美味啊! ________ ________ these mooncakes are! so that woke up How delicious 1.[2013·云南] You dont have to ________ every new word in the dictionary while reading. A.look for B.look up C.look at D.look after 2.[2014·莱芜] We can save money ________ cooking our own meals instead of eating outside. A.by B.to C.for D.with 中考透视 B A 3.[2014·江西] You have to be ________ and wait until I finish my work. A.patient B.strict C.honest D.active A 4.[2014·云南] Keep on.Dont stop.The ________ you climb, the ________ you will see. A.highest; farthest B.highly; farther C.high; far D.higher; farther D 考查比较级的用法。“the+比较级, the+比较级”表示“越……就越……”。句意:继续前进, 不要停止。你攀登得越高,看得就越远。 5.[2014·长沙] Mothers Day is ________the second Sunday in May in the United States. A.on   B.in     C.at 6.[2013·泰安] ________ youve tasted it, you cant imagine how delicious the dishes are! A.Because B.Although C.When D.Unless A D 7.[2014·陕西] Look! Laura is getting the first place. ________ fast runner she is! A.How B.What C.How a D.What a D 考查感叹句的用法。runner为单数可数名词, 故前面用what a,选D。 8.[2014·凉山] —Can you


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