新目标八级下英语 UNIT 2 PERIOD TWO.pptVIP

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Period Two 无家可归的人 觉得孤独 残疾人 解决问题 帮助某人 分发传单 张贴标语 使某人高兴起来 鼓励某人做某事 打扫教室 想出一个主意 建立一所希望小学 写下 给某人打电话 推迟会议 捐款 homeless people feel lonely disabled people solve problems help sb. out give out/hand out notices put up signs cheer up sb. encourage sb. to do sth. clean up the classroom come up with an idea set up a Hope School write down call up sb. put off the meeting give away money come up with, cheer up, hand out , put up , set up, write down, call up, put off ,give away Although Tom is rich, he never _________ money to others. We need to______________ a plan to help the boy. 3. Don’t _______ the sign on the wall. 4. Tom seems unhappy, let’s _______him______. 5. The teacher has ________ the exam until next Friday. 6. You can ____________ your names here. 7. Some people always _________ notices outside our school. 8. I will ______ my brothers to join the party. 9. We need to _______a hospital to help the sick people. gives away come up with put up cheer up put off write down hand out call up set up Being a volunteer is great ! Volunteering is good for us, for others , for the whole society ! 社会 I would like to give up my time to _______. an Old People’s House Can you come up with some ideas to help them feel less lonely? feel lonely Ways to help old people feel less lonely ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 1) We could read newspapers or books to them 2) We could talk with them. 3) We could help them clean up the rooms. 4) We could sing or dance to cheer them up 5) We should listen to them tell stories about the past 关心 6) We should truly care for them 过去 Tom What did he do for the old people last summer? What did the old people do for him? He read newspapers to them and talked to them. They told him stories about the past and how things used to be. Helen:


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