高分突破广州2015牛津广州版中考复习课件 第二部分 中考题型解读第二部分第三大题共67张.ppt

高分突破广州2015牛津广州版中考复习课件 第二部分 中考题型解读第二部分第三大题共67张.ppt

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* 易混词辨析 13.spend,cost,take与pay的区别 (1)表示“花费金钱”,用cost和spend。cost指“某物值多少钱或某物花费某人多少钱”;而spend指“某人花费多少钱购买某物”。 (2)表示“花费时间”,用cost,spend或take都可以。cost和take指“某事花费(某人)多少时间”;而spend则指“某人花费多少时间做某事”。 (3)pay作动词时,意思是“付款”或“支付”,可以有被动语态。 练习: ①This dictionary me thirty yuan. ②My teacher a lot of money on books. ③Writing books a great deal of time. ④It him five months to get a new company started. ⑤She 3 years (in) writing this novel. ⑥I’m afraid that if you’ve lost it,you must for it. costs spends costs/takes took spent pay 易混词辨析 14.stop to do与stop doing的区别 两种结构都表示“停止”的意思,但它们的含义截然不同。 (1)stop to do表示“停下来去做……”。(stop是不及物动词,不定式作状语。) (2)stop doing表示“停止做”(stop是及物动词,-ing动词是它的宾语。) 练习: ①They talk with their teacher. ②They talking with their teacher. 15.wear与put on的区别 (1)wear是“穿着;戴着”的意思,重点表示状态。 (2)put on是“穿上;戴上”的意思,强调动作。 练习: ①Lucy is blue trousers and a blouse. ②Don’t be late,oh,and your old clothes. stopped to stopped wearing put on 易混词辨析 16.wish,hope与expect的区别 (1)用wish表示说话人不考虑是否可能实现祝愿,没有可能性的愿望也用wish。(2)用hope则表示说话人认为可能实现。 (3)expect只表示认为某事会发生或有可能发生。如: 练习: ①I I could become French tomorrow. ②I you can help me. ③I that he’ll pass the exam. wish hope expect 易混词辨析 17.used to do, be used to doing和be used to do的区别 (1) used to do意为“过去常常做某事”。 (2) be used to doing意为“习惯做某事”,其中的to是介词,故其后要接V-ing形式。 (3) be used to do意为“被用来做某事”,其中的to do是不定式,用来表目的。 练习: ①The boy used to short, but now he is very tall. ②Tim is used to a cup of coffee in the morning. ③Knives are cut things. be having used to 英语 首页 末页 谢谢! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 易混词辨析 11.family, home (1)family表示“家;家庭”,也可指全体家庭成员。 (2)home意为“家”,带有眷恋等感情色彩。 练习: ①Tom has a big .There are six people in his . ②Sh


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