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Unit 1.Can you play the guita?r? One:▲重点词汇 1.sing an Engli?sh song唱?英文歌;paint? pictu?res\draw pictu?res画画?; Join the(art艺术?,美术/sport?s运动/music?/swimm?ing游泳?/chess?象棋)club 参加---俱乐部 2.play music?演奏音乐:play the piano?弹钢琴; play the violi?n拉小提琴?;play the guita?r弹吉他;play the trump?t吹喇叭,吹小号;play the erfu.拉二胡;play the drum打?鼓; 3.play sport?s做运动:play baske?tball?打篮球;play socce?r\footb?al踢足球?;play baseb?all打棒?球;play volle?yball?打排球;play tenni?s打网球;play ping-pong\play table? tenni?s打乒乓球?; 4.play chess?下象棋;play Chine?se chess?下中国象棋?;play cards?玩纸牌;play music?演奏音乐;play games?玩游戏;play compu?ter games?.玩电脑游戏?. 5.sing well唱?的好;dance? well跳?的好;paint?/draw well画?的好;play the guita?r well.吉他弹的好? 6.be good at sth在---方面有特长?,擅长于---;be good at doing? sth擅长?做某事; be good with sb对---很好,擅长于应付?---; 7.come and join us!和我门一起?来;do Chine?se Kungf?u.玩中国工夫?; make frien?ds交朋友?;make frien?ds with sb与某某?交朋友;help sb (to)do sth帮助?某人做某事?;help sb with sth在---方面帮助某?人;speak? Engli?sh/Chine?se a littl?e讲一点英?语/中文;Thank?s a lot.\Thank?s very much.非常谢谢! 8.be busy忙?;be busy doing? sth忙于?做某事;be busy with sth忙于?做某事; Be free有?空;(东西)免费 9.help wante?d招聘帮手?;Teach?ers wante?d招聘老师?;Docto?rs wante?d招聘医生?;Music?ians wante?d.招聘音乐家? 10.say说话?(强调说话内?容):say a word说?句话;say it in Engli?sh用中文?说(它); Tell告?Talk交?’t. 2.-Can Maria? do Chine?se kongf?u? -Can she speak? Engli?sh?她会讲英语?/中文吗? -Yes,she can. -No,she can’t.but但是? she can speak? Chine?se. 3.-Can you and Tom play chess?? -Yes,we can./No,we can’t. 4.-Can Jim and Jenny? swim? -Yes,they can./No,they can’t. 5.-What can you do?你会做什么?呢? -I can dance?,but I can’t sing. 6.-What club do you want to join?你想参加什?么俱乐部? -I want to join the(swimm?ing/music?/Engli?sh/art艺术?,美术/sport?s/chess?)club. 7.(1)Bill can play the guita?r,and而且? he can also 也play? the violi?n. (2)Tom can会 play volle?yball?,but但是? he can’t 不会pla?y the piano?. (3)Maria? can play the violi?n,but she can’t play chess?. (4)Jim can paint? pictu?res,but he can’t paint? it well. Three?:词汇,句型,语法拓展 1.be good at



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