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本科毕业论?文(设计、创作) 题目: 基于单片机?控制的电子?密码锁设计? Elect?ronic? lock contr?olled? base on singl?e chip micro?compu?ter 学生姓名: 曹元元 学号: 08021?27 所在院系:电子信息与?通信技术系? 专业: 电子信息工?程 入学时间: 2008 年 9 月 导师姓名: 刘同怀 李菊芳 职称/学位: 教授 助教 导师所在单?位: 安徽三联学?院 完成时间: 2012 年 5 月 安徽三联学?院教务处 制 摘要 现在电子产?品向智能化?和微型化的?不断发展,人们对安全?性能要求越?来越高。传统的机械?锁由于它的?内部构造简?单,安全性能低?,并不能满足?现在人们的?需求,且机械锁被?撬导致被盗?的事件让人?痛苦不堪。 单片机已经?在家电领域?中有了广泛?的应用,系统采用美?国Atme?l公司的A?T89S5?1单片机作?为系统核心?,液晶显示器?LCD16?02作为输?出设备显示?系统提示信?息,4*4矩阵薄膜?键盘作为输?入设备,CMOS串?行E2PR?OM存储器?AT24C?02作为数?据存储器,配合蜂鸣器?、继电器等电?路构成整个?系统硬件,主要功能有?开锁、修改密码、掉电密码锁?存储、报警功能等?【2】。 对本课题的?构思方案采?用AT89?S51为核?心的单片机?,主要是由于?它能防止多?次试探而不?被破译来有?效的克服现?实生活中许?多缺点。 关键词:密码锁、AT89S?51、显示器LC?D1602?、存储器AT?24C02? Abstr?act Now elect?ronic? produ?ct minia?turiz?ation? to the intel?ligen?t and conti?nuous? devel?opmen?t, peopl?e incre?asing?ly high perfo?rmanc?e requi?remen?ts of safet?y. The tradi?tiona?l mecha?nical? lock becau?se of its simpl?e inter?nal struc?ture, low safet?y prope?rty, and can not meet the prese?nt needs? of the peopl?e, and the mecha?nical? lock prizi?ng lead stole?n event?s of agoni?zing. SCM has been in the field? of home appli?ance has wide appli?catio?n, syste?m uses the Ameri?can Atmel? compa?ny AT89S?51 MCU as the core syste?m, liqui?d cryst?al displ?ay LCD16?02 as outpu?t devic?e to displ?ay syste?m messa?ge,4* 4 matri?x keybo?ard as an input? devic?e, a CMOS seria?l E2PRO?M memor?y AT24C?02 as data stora?ge, with a buzze?r, relay? circu?it hardw?are of the whole? syste?m the main funct?ion of the lock, modif?y passw?ords, power?-down, passw?ord lock stora?ge, alarm? funct?ion. On the subje?ct of desig?n schem?e based? on AT89S?51sin?gle-chip, mainl?y becau?se it can preve?nt many tempt?ation?s and not be decip?hered? to effec?tivel?y overc?ome in the real life many short?comin?gs. Key words?: passw?ord lock, AT89S?51, LCD16?02, AT24C?02dis?play m



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