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;2;;4;;6;7;5Mercer. (2014). Leadership Practices Study Report. (Whitepaper). 6/products/WorldwideIAPP.aspx 8;;;11;12;;14;At the most basic level, this comes down to managers conducting dedicated career conversations above and beyond traditional performance reviews. Over 70% of organizations reported that these conversations are taking place, while only 56% of employees agree. Furthermore, when asked to rate their manager on their skill in holding these career conversations, only 31% gave;16;17;;Performance management has been a key focus for organizations in 2015 and will remain so in 2016. There is a movement afoot to replace measurement and ranking with conversation and better tools for career building. While ratings remain an important part of the performance management landscape — and help to drive salary differentiation — some organizations are giving up forced rankings while 22% plan to abandon ratings altogether this year. Interestingly, 2 out of 3 employees see performance ratings as very or extremely important, primarily because ratings help them to know where they stand (46%) and encourage them to improve their performance (54%). Only 8% said that performance ratings are not valuable — with most believing that ratings encouraged them to work harder, helped them know where they stand relative to others and enabled them to earn more.;20;,‘;22;Integrated technology, quality data, and people with the analytical skills to draw data insights are crucial to HR’s ability to provide strategic value. While it is clear that these three elements need to be addressed in order to drive the desired changes, organizations have put investments in technology ahead of HR skill development — making it challenging to capture the value of their system implementations. More than half (59%) of organizations plan to make changes to HR technology in the next 12 months, while only 36% plan to invest in HR training and development. Only 13% of companies currently have a curriculum f


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