人教版 七年级 英语下册 第十单元 课件 公开课精选.ppt

人教版 七年级 英语下册 第十单元 课件 公开课精选.ppt

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人教版 七年级 英语下册 第十单元 课件 公开课精选

Daily proverb (每日谚语) All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只工作不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。 Work hard and play hard. 学习的时候要尽力,而玩的时候要尽兴。 * 1.Write a passage: my favorite day 2. Use the past tense to make up a dialogue YOU CAN CHOOSE ONE TASK! Homework * Thank you! Goodbye! * There was a farmer had a dog, and bingo was his name, OH! B-I-N-G-O! B-I-N-G-O! B-I-N-G-O! And bingo was his name, Oh! Bingo Welcome to our class ! * the Great Wall the Palace Museum Tian’an Men Square a Beijing Hutong * Can you say something about your vacation? Freetalk * Section A Unit 8 Where did you go on vacation? * Review the phrases we have learnt. went to the mountains went to the summer camp went to New York City went to the beach * Did his homework Had a school trip swam Visited meseums * Look at the pictures carefully and guess what they did. (仔细看图并抢答) YOU ARE SO GREAT! * What did he do last weekend? * What did he do last weekend? * What did he do last weekend? * What did he do last weekend? * What did he do last weekend? * What did she do last weekend? She ate noodles. * A: Where did you go on vacation? B: I went to the mountains. A: Did you go to the Central park? B: Yes, I did. Pairwork 1. went to New York City 2. visited meseums 3. went to the mountains 4. went to the beach 5. visited my uncle 6. went to summer camp 7. stayed at home * Let’s have a rest, and use the past tense to make up a story together. One student say one sentence. The beginning is Once, there was a man named Jim, __________ Show your English! * Groupwork: make a survey Ask your classmates about their vacation. ? Name Place Weather Activities Food Stores People Mary Hong Kong sunny, warm, humid went to the beaches delicious expensive Not very friendly Jim … … … Report like this: My friend Mary went to Hong Kong on her Vacation. The weather there was sunny, humid and warm. She went to the beaches. The food was deci



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