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摘要 随着单片机的日益发展,其应用也越来越广泛,通过对“汽车转弯灯单片机控制系统”设计,可以对单片机的知识得到巩固和扩张。本设计是设计一个单片机控制系统。在汽车进行左转弯、右转弯、刹车、合紧急开关、停靠等操作时,实现对各种信号指示灯的控制。本设计主要是对单片机的并行输入/输出口电路的应用,通过I/O口控制发光二极管的亮﹑灭﹑闪烁,加上一些复位电路﹑按键电路﹑驱动电路来模拟汽车尾灯的功能。 汽车在驾驶时有左转弯、右转弯、刹车、合紧急开关、停靠等操作。在左转弯或右转弯时,通过转弯操作杆应使左转开关或右转开关合上,从而使左头灯、仪表板左转弯灯、左尾灯或右头灯、仪表板右转弯灯、右尾灯闪烁;合紧急开关时要求前面所述的6个信号灯全部闪烁;汽车刹车时,两个尾灯点亮;如正当转弯时刹车,则转弯时原应闪烁的信号灯仍应闪烁。以上闪烁,都是频率为1Hz的低频闪烁;在汽车停靠而停靠开关合上时,左头灯、右头灯、左尾灯、右尾灯按频率为30Hz的高频闪烁。通过做实物,编写程序,完成了设计的要求。通过该设计,对单片机的认识有了更进一步的了解,对单片机的各个口的功能作用了解加深,对Protel的应用更加熟练,对设计系统有了了解,掌握了一些设计方法,受益不少。 关键词:单片机,汽车信号转弯灯,电路基础,数字电子技术 ABSTRACT Along with the development of single chip, its application in more and more widely, through to the auto lamp single-chip microcomputer control system turning to the single chip design, can the knowledge has been consolidated and expansion. This design is the design of a single-chip microcomputer control system. In the car left turn, turn right, brakes, and emergency switch, call operation, such as the realization to the various signal indicator light control. This design is mainly to the chip parallel input/output circuit application, through the I/O control leds on the mouth, destroy, flashing, plus some reset circuit circuit, drive circuit, keys to simulate the function of outsourcing. In a car driving left turn, turn right, brakes, and emergency switch, call operation. In turn left or right turn, turn through the operation should make a left turn pole switch or turn right switch closed, so that left the head lamp, instrument panel turn left lamp, left or right tail lights the head lamp, dashboards turn right lamp, right tail lights flashing; And emergency switch, and the requirements of the mentioned six lights flashing all; Automobile braking, two tail lights light; Such as legitimate turning the brakes, is turning the flashing lights should be should still flashing. Above all, the frequency of flashing, is 1 Hz ac frequency twinkle; In car dock and parked close the switch when the head lamp, right, left, the h


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