Analysis of multiple informant multiple source data in Stata在Stata多线人的多源数据的分析.ppt

Analysis of multiple informant multiple source data in Stata在Stata多线人的多源数据的分析.ppt

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Analysis of multiple informant multiple source data in Stata在Stata多线人的多源数据的分析

Analysis of multiple informant/ multiple source data in Stata Nicholas J. Horton Department of Mathematics Smith College, Northampton MA Garrett M. Fitzmaurice Harvard University nhorton at /multinform Acknowledgements Joint research project with Nan Laird and colleagues, Harvard School of Public Health Jane Murphy and the Stirling County Study for use of their example dataset (see Horton et al AJE, 2001 for more details) Supported by NIH grant RO1-MH54693 Outline Motivation for multiple source data Examples of multiple sources/informants Models for correlated multiple source data Accounting for complex survey design Accounting for incomplete/missing data Example (Stirling County Study) Conclusions Why multiple source data? to provide better measures of some underlying construct that is difficult to measure or likely to be missing also known as multiple informant reports, proxy reports, co-informants, etc. discordance is expected, otherwise there is no need to collect multiple reports Statistical framework developed in (Horton and Fitzmaurice SIM tutorial, 2004) Definition of multiple source data data obtained from multiple informants or raters (e.g., self-reports, family members, health care providers, teachers) or via different/parallel instruments or methods (e.g., symptom rating scales, standardized diagnostic interviews, or clinical diagnoses) None of the reports is a “gold’’ standard We consider multiple source data that are commensurate (multiple measures of the same underlying variable on a similar scale) Examples of multiple source data child psychopathology (ask parents, teachers and children about underlying psychological state) service utilization studies (collect information from subjects and databases) medical comorbidity (query providers and charts to assess medical problems) Examples of multiple source data (cont.) adherence studies (collect self-report of adherence, electronic pill caps [MEMS] plus pharmacy records) nutritional epidemiology (uti



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