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随着城市的快速发展,环境问题显得日益重要。With the rapidly development of the cities, environmental issues becoming increasingly important.
废水是破坏环境的一个主要的因素ater damage to the environment is a major factor.
目前中国污水处理系统相对落后,污水处理成本居高不下,处理过的污水水质不稳定所以如何建立有效的自控系统,优化运行效果,减少运行费用,具有重要意义。At present, in China the control system for sewage treatment is relatively backward, very high cost of sewage treatment and treated sewage water water quality instability. How to establish an effective control system, optimal operation of the effect of reducing operating costs, have important economic and social significance
本文介绍了污水处理的基本工艺和流程污水处理系统。n this paper, take example for a steel processing plant sewage treatment system, described in detail the basic sewage treatment and process technology. Focuses on introduce the siemse et200 plc and based on Kingview software wincc sewage treatment system and its application.
文章首先介绍了PLC控制系统的硬件结构、工作原理以及设计PLC控制系统的基本原则和步骤,然后以SBR污水处理工艺为例来说明PLC在污水处理过程中的应用。 The article first introduction the PLC control system hardware structure, working principle and designing of PLC control system for the basic principles and steps, and then to SBR sewage treatment process as an example to illustrate the PLC in the process of sewage treatment applications.
首先根据污水处理要求设计了设备的电气控制与自动控制线路主要包括设备的启停、状态信号、故障信号和信号采集等。First of all sewage treatment in accordance with the requirements of the electrical control equipment and automatic control circuits design.
System design including equipment start and stop, status signals, fault signals and signal acquisition.
最后按照工艺要求设计PLC控制系统其中包括PLC的型、系统资源配置及按照污水处理工艺PLC程序等。Finally, the design of PLC in accordance with the requirements of production control systems.
Including the PLC model selection, resource allocation system and the sewage treatment process in accordance with the preparation of the PLC program etc.
关键词:污水处理 SBR PLCKey words: sewage treatment, SBR ,PLC
With the rapid development of cities,theenvironmentbecomesmore a
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