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agricultural adj. 农业的, 农艺的 agricultural development 农业的发展 agricultural products 农作物, 农产品 agriculturally adv. channel the English Channel 英吉利海峡 through (the) proper channel 通过正当的途径, 办理规定手续 vt. 引导,指导:使经过某种路线行动或引导: channel her curiosity into research 将她的好奇心引导到研究上去 do someone a favor. 帮助人 advantage; benefit: 好处;有利: sail under favor of cloudless skies. 在天空无云的帮助下飞行 behalf; interest 利益;益处: an error in our favor 对我方有益的错误 in favor of =in support of; approving: 支持;赞同: We are in favor of her promotion to president. 我们赞成她升为总裁 to the advantage of: 有利于: The court decided in favor of the plaintiff. 法庭的判决有利于原告。 favorable adj. 赞成的, 有利的, 赞许的, 良好的, 讨人喜欢的, 起促进作用的 favorable winds 顺风 a favorable report 赞同的报告 Thanks for your point of view. 感谢你发表见解。Try to look at this from my point of view. 试着从我的角度来看这件事。 The food was cold the guests quarreled—the whole dinner was a catastrophe. 食物是冷的,客人们又吵了起来——整个晚宴是一次彻底的失败。 The catastrophe of a tragedy usually brings death or ruin to the leading character. 悲剧的结局常常是主角死亡或毁灭。 resource of labor force 劳动力资源 resource of production 生产资源 a man of resource 足智多谋的人; 机智的人 at the end of ones resources 山穷水尽, 无计可施, 智穷才尽, 黔驴技穷,江郎才尽 He is lost without resource. 他彻底失败了。 leave somebody to his own resources 让某人独自解决困难, 不给某人以任何协助 broad acres 宽广的土地 a library with acres of books 有大量藏书的图书馆 The rainforest is being destroyed in Brazil at present. 雨林正被毀灭。ncome tax 所得税 live beyond ones income 入不敷出地生活 live above ones income 入不敷出地生活 live with ones income 量入为出地生活 He gave me a piece of advice on how to learn genetics. 他就如何学好遗传学给我提出了一条建议。 frighten sb. into submission frighten somebody away 把某人吓走 be frightened out of ones life 吓得要命 be frightened of [口]害怕, 对...感到恐惧 frighten off 吓跑, 吓走 frighten somebody. into doing something 用恐吓手段迫使某人做某事 frighten somebody out of doing something 用恐吓手段迫使某人不做某事 modify the terms of a contract 修正合同条款 modify ones demands 降低要求 Youd better modify your tone. 你最好说得婉转一点。 insert the key in the lock把钥匙插到锁里 insert a few words 插几句话 insert advertisements in a news


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