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纳米TiO2生物降解薄膜的拉伸强度研究 摘要 随着现代化的快速发展从80年代开始社会白色污染的形式日益严峻,而由此开发出的生物降解膜在治理白色污染方面也发挥着越来越大的作用。但是作为普通的生物降解膜由于其本身易被细菌、一些有机物降解,同样造成大量的人力物力的浪费,所以也同样不适合现在社会的一个长期发展需求。为了适应这一发展形式,纳米TiO2光催化技术在降解塑料领域表现出巨大的潜力。 本文从1967年被当时还是东京大学研究生的藤岛昭教授发现“ 本多·藤岛效果 ”开始到如今各国研究人员致力于光催化效应的研究运用,综述了国内外纳米TiO2生物降解膜的研究进展情况。通过介绍纳米光催化技术应用于降解塑料领域的机理,对今后纳米TiO2光催化生物降解膜的发展方向进行了展望。而在实验过程与结论探讨中着重对纳米TiO2生物降解膜进行了两个方面的研究:其一是添加纳米TiO2与中空纳米TiO2的不同含量到生物降解膜中对膜力学性能的影响。另一方面需要研究探讨的就是通过500W的紫外光光腐蚀处理,然后通过电镜照片分别观察添加不同含量的纳米TiO2与中空纳米TiO2生物降解膜表面均匀性、力学性能方面的状况,从而判定一个合适的TiO2添加量到生物降解膜中。 关键词: 光催化;纳米TiO2;生物降解膜;紫外光照处理;拉伸强度 Abstract Nowadays “white pollution” is becoming the most serious problem with the increasing diversity of manufactured plastic products. Our whole world seems to be wrapped in plastic. Almost every product we buy, most of the food we eat and many of the liquids we drink come encased in plastic. Plastic packaging provides excellent protection for the product, it is cheap to manufacture and seems to last forever. Lasting forever, however, is proving to be a major environmental problem. Another problem is that traditional plastics are manufactured from non-renewable resources – oil, coal and natural gas. In an effort to overcome these shortcomings, bio-degradable plastics, which can be decomposed in natural aerobic (composting) and anaerobic (landfill) environments, were come out for much more environmentally conscious and were considered as the best substitute for those normal non-degradable plastics. However, use of biodegradable plastics is faced the problem especially in food packing that the plastics will be decomposed by bacteria. The photocatalysis technology of the TiO2 Nanoparticles has shown vast potentials on the area of degradable plastic. This article reviewed that the research of the TiO2-loaded biodegradable film at home and abroad. The paper introduced the photocatalysis technology of the mechanism of TiO2 used on the biodegradable films, discussed effect of the amount of loaded nanoparticles in preparing



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