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18 2 安 全与 环境 工 程 V ol. 18 No. 2 2 0 1 1 3 Sa et y and Enviro nm ent al Engineering M ar . 2 0 11 SW OT 1 2 2 邓福生 , 秦玲玲 , 廖 利 ( 1. 深圳市政环卫综合处理厂, 深圳518001 ; 2. 华中科技大学环境学院, 武汉430074) : SWO T , SWO T , : ; ; SWOT ; : X705 ; X799 : A : 20 11) Development Strategy of Construction Garbages Overall Treatment Ecotown in Shenzhen on the Basis of SWOT Analysis 1 2 2 DEN G Fusheng , QIN L ingling , L IA O L i (1. Shenz hen Ref use Incineration and Comp rehensive Treatment Plant, Shenzhen 518001, China; 2.School of Environmental Science Engineering, uazhong University of Science and Technology , Wuhan 430074, China) Abstract T his paper analyz es t he st rengt hs , w eaknesses , opport unit ies and t hreats o const ruct ion garbag es overall t reatm ent ecotow n , est ablishes SW OT mat rix, and proposes t he developm ent st rat eg y o this project and the preparat io n o indu st rial suppo rt sy st em ro m t he go vernm ent . Key words const ruct ion garbage; ecot ow n ; SW OT analysis ; development st rat eg y 0 1 , , , 30% ~ ( 40% [ 1] , 2009 ) , 2 4 800 t , 150 m , , , , , , ,


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