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肠道病毒71型(EV71)感染患儿外周血NK细胞、NK细胞亚群、受体及免疫效应分子的研究 王倩倩 许红梅 (1.重庆医科大学附属儿童医院感染消化科,重庆400014;2.儿童发育疾病研究省部共建教育部重点实验室;3.儿科学重庆市重点实验室;4.重庆市(儿童发育重大疾病诊治与预防)国际科技合作基地) 【摘要】目的:检测EV71患儿外周血中NK细胞、NK细胞亚群、激活性受体、抑制性受体、免疫效应分子表达,研究EV71感染患儿NK细胞及功能的变化,表面受体表达NKp30、NKp46、NKG2D、CD94、NKG2A、CD107a免疫效应细胞因子PF、【关键词】肠道病毒71型,NK细胞,流式细胞 Study on NK cell number, subsets, receptors and immune effector molecules in children with Hand-food-mouth Disease caused by Enterovirus 71 Wang Qian-qian,XU Hong-mei (1.Children’s Hospital of Chongqing Medical University,Chongqing 400014,China。2.Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Child Development and Disorders;3. Key Laboratory of Pediatrics in Chongqing,CSTC2009CA5002;4.Chongqing International Science and Technology Cooperation Center for Child Development and Disorders) Corresponding author:Xu Hong-mei, Email: xuhongm0095@ 【Abstract】ObjectiveTo investigate the function of NK cells and its probable role in the pathogenesis in Hand-foot-mouth disease (HFMD) caused by EV71. Methods: There were three groups, 20 cases in severe group, 20 cases in usual group, and 30 healthy children control group. All children were 1-3 years old. The percentage, the subsets, the surface receptors (NKp30, NKp46, NKG2D, CD94, NKG2A and CD107a) and effector molecule (perforin, GrB, granulysin) were detected by flow cytometry. Results: The percentage of NK cell in severe group was significantly reduced than that in control group (P0.01), although the number in the usual group was higher than that in the severe group, there was no significant difference. CD16+%NK cell subset ratio in usual group was increased than that in control group (P 0.05), although that in severe group was decreased than that in usual group, there was no significant difference. The percentage of NKG2D positive cells in severe group or usual group was lower than that in controls(P0.01). The percentage of CD94, NKG2A, CD107a, PF, GrB or GNLY positive cells in severe group or usual group was higher than that in control


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