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Traditional Chinese Festivals and Customs; Spring Festival Tomb Sweeping Festival Dragon Festival Mid-autumn Festival ; agricultural calendar jieqi people’s spiritual demands ; agricultural calendar (summer calendar、lunar calendar) world calendar---the earth circles around the sun lunar calendar---the moon circles around the earth. leap month; Jieqi are seasonal periods indicating the obvious changes of weather when they come around, altogether 24, designed to guide agricultural activities. ;   二十四节气歌   春雨惊春清谷天,夏满芒夏暑相连,   秋处露秋寒霜降,冬雪雪冬小大寒。; significance of Spring Festival the most significant festival to traditional Chinese people start of a new year---hoping to bring happiness and good luck; Spring Festival and 元旦 元---start 旦---early morning Spring Festival and 立春 ---the Beginning of Spring of the 24 jieqi. ; Traditions and customs; Laba (eighth of the twelfth lunar month of the old year)腊八 It is the episode of Spring Festival. ; Origins of laba 1. la(腊)means the turning from the old to the new. 2.laji(腊祭) It’s a sacrificial ceremony held at the turn of a year (winter preserving) in the primitive society to celebrate the harvest, to thank the Heaven and to pray for the protection of the Heaven as well as abundant grain harvest in the coming year. ; spring sowing 春耕 summer weeding 夏耘 autumn reaping 秋收 winter preserving 冬藏 ; laba porridge(腊八粥) 释迦牟尼 to advocate the thrifty life; to pray for a good harvest in the coming year; xiaonian (小年)---23rd of the twelfth month of lunar year to sacrifice for the kitchen god 二十三,糖瓜粘; 二十四,扫房子 house-cleaning/dusting to eliminate dust, bacteria and any misfortune.; 除夕(the eve before the Lunar new year) the story of nian(年) having all the lights in houses on or candles burnt; staying together for the coming of the New Year (年); fire firecrackers around midnight; paying New Year Calls; Mr longevity寿百龄太爷 Mr Wealth富有余老爷


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