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1、知识(Knowledge):指个人在某一特定领域拥有的事实型与经验型信息 2、技能(Skill):指结构化地运用知识完成某项具体工作的能力,即对某一特定领域所需技术与知识的掌握情况 3、社会角色(Social Roles):指一个人基于态度和价值观的行为方式与风格 4、自我概念(Self-Concept):指一个人的态度、价值观和自我印象 5、特质(Traits):指个性、身体特征对环境和各种信息所表现出来的持续反应。品质与动机可以预测个人在长期无人监督下的工作状态。 6、动机(Motives):指在一个特定领域的自然而持续的想法和偏好(如成就、亲和、影响力),它们将驱动,引导和决定一个人的外在行动。   其中第1、2项大部分与工作所要求的直接资质相关,我们能够在比较短的时间使用一定的手段进行测量。可以通过考察资质证书、考试、面谈、简历等具体形式来测量,也可以通过培训、锻炼等办法来提高这些素质。   第3、4、5、6项往往很难度量和准确表述,又少与工作内容直接关联。只有其主观能动性变化影响到工作时,其对工作的影响才会体现出来。考察这些方面的东西,每个管理者有自己独特的思维方式和理念,但往往因其偏好而有所局限。管理学界及心理学有着一些测量手段,但往往复杂不易采用或效果不够准确。 I am introducing Competencies now because they are an important feature of strong Human Performance Management. As we mentioned earlier, Competencies are “the personal characteristics or traits which cause us to be successful in our jobs.” Psychologically, there are three major ways that people are different. Each one of us has a different “Personality.” We each have a set of psychological traits, or habits which are the foundation for our decisions and our work behaviors. Some of us are very thoughtful and play out every issue in our own minds before we talk to others about it. Some are very aggressive. Some of us tend to be more intellectual, while others are more straight forward and action oriented. There are many systems for characterizing personality. Some of these are systems from ancient cultural traditions (e.g. astrology, palm reading, tarot cards) and some are grounded in more modern scientific research. Whichever way you look at it, there are some qualities of people which are quite permanent and difficult to change and these we refer to as personality or “hardware.” These are important because some of them are critical to success in certain roles. Not everyone has the personality to be a good salesman or a CEO. “Attitudes” are a category of competency which cover “Attitudes,” “Beliefs,” and “Values,” and are more changeable than Personality Traits. Attitudes are the mental events which shap


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