国际贸易理论精品课程(云南大学 英文版).ppt

国际贸易理论精品课程(云南大学 英文版).ppt

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国际贸易理论精品课程(云南大学 英文版).ppt

International Trade Theory and Policy School of Economics, Yunnan University Zhang Jianhua and Zhang Lin Chap. 1 Introduction One. Course Outline Basic theory in Economics ( Analysis of commodity and factor mobility in open Macro economy by tools Microeconomics Contents: Pure Theory in International Trade ( Reason and Influence of International Trade) Policy of International Trade (Policies aiming at limiting imports while encouraging exports) Institutions for International Trade(WTO Institutions ) Two Basic Concepts balance of trade Trade Surplus(Exports>Imports,Favorable Balance of Trade) Trade Deficit (Exports<Imports,Unfavorable Balance of Trade) Trade Balance (Exports = Imports) Trade Structure Commodity Structure Geographical Structure Dependency of Trade Chap. 3 Comparative Cost and Classical Trade Theorem In this chapter, we introduce theorem of international trade. We start such introduction looking at causes of international trade and its influences in the economy ( in Chap 3, 4, 5 and 6), then we will analyze the influences of economics in trade. Graph of Absolute Cost Chap 3. 2. Comparative Cost David Ricardo,1817 Background Case of Ricardian Model A necessary condition of international trade: Comparative cost difference Chap3. 3. Classical trade model based on comparative cost Property of Production Possibility Curve 2, Indifference Curve The combination of PPC and Indifference Curve: Equilibrium( Optimum ) Production and Consumption 3, Exchange Rate ( Comparative price and Trade condition 二、贸易前均衡 根据生产可能性曲线的斜率 判断一国的比较优势 Three, Classical Trade Model ( One Factor ) Influence of International Trade Chap. 4, Mutual Demands Theory Changes in Terms of Trade Offer Curve General Equilibrium in International Trade Chap 5, Factor Endowment Used to solve problems left behind by Ricardo: Reasons for comparative cost difference Put forward by Swedish Economists Heckscher and Ohiler, so it is also call the Heckscher-Ohlin model, or H-O model, also known as factor


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