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Promotion Association for Mountain-River-Lake Regional Sustainable Development 江西山江湖可持续发展促进会 Promotion Association for Mountain-River-Lake Regional Sustainable Development 江西山江湖可持续发展促进会 NGOs in Action: Community based Lake Water Protection in Lake Poyang Liu Meiying 刘梅影 Nov.3,2009 Wuhan Situation of Poyang Lake 鄱阳湖水环境现状及挑战 NGOs actions to promote public participation in lake protection NGO推动社区参与湖泊保护 Contents内容提要 Situation of Poyang Lake – Problems Challenges 鄱阳湖水环境现状及挑战 The largest fresh water lake in China Lake body Area: 4900km2 Lake Volume: 30 billion m3 Length: 173km south - north 16.9km east - west Depth: 8.4m on average Shoreline: 1200km RAMSAR site since 1992 Problems of Poyang Lake:干旱低水位 Since 2005, the average amount of water decreases, with even longer periods of winter drought. 近几年,受鄱阳湖流域境内干旱来水减少、出湖水量增加等因素影响,鄱阳湖枯水期水量逐年减少,枯水期时间拉长。 2009年10月13日,鄱阳湖水位控制站星子站水位为9.65米,比去年同期低4.02米,比历年同期平均水位低了5米多,鄱阳湖比正常年份提前约40天进入枯水期。 Problems of Poyang Lake:水质下降,富营养化转化趋势 Water quality threatened by pollution (e.g. intake of nutritients from agriculture) The water quality decreased from class II and above (85%) before 1989 to nowadays 66.1% 1985-1989年,整个湖区水质以I、II类水为主,平均占85%; 目前,鄱阳湖不再出现I类水,II类水为66.1%. 鄱阳湖监测断面水质状况动态(全年平均各类水占比例) Problems of Poyang Lake:候鸟减少 Winter migrating birds are infected by decreasing wetland areas and shortage of water; less and less birds are to be seen at Poyang Lake (-30%) 受鄱阳湖罕见低水位影响,湿地面积缩小,生物链在改变,生物及越冬候鸟的数量也在减少,2006年底至2007年初,越冬候鸟为46万羽,比上年同期减少27万羽。 Problems of Poyang Lake:血吸虫 The population around the Poyang Lake is threatened by snail fever. 鄱阳湖还属于湖沼型血吸虫病疫区,仍然严重威胁着湖区群众的生产生活,血吸虫病已成为制约环鄱阳湖地区居民生存与发展的重大障碍,制约了沿湖地区经济的发展。 Challenges 鄱阳湖可持续发展面临的挑战 Unsustainable use/ overuse of resources对湖泊资源过度开发和利用的增加,如用水过量、不可持续的捕鱼方式和水产养殖方式 Lack of awareness and few public participation 公众缺乏对湖泊保护的了解和参与意识 Insufficient legal framework and policies for lake management 缺乏能有效具体解决湖泊管理问题的政策框架和法律机制 NGOs actions to promote public participation in


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