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长春工业大学 毕业设计、毕业论文 题目 折叠家具设计 学院 机电工程学院 专业班级 工业设计070108班 指导教师 姓名 2011年6月10日 摘 要 本设计从了解市场上折叠家具产品的造型、结构和工作原理开始,分析了折叠家具设计的历史和现代折叠家具设计的基本要素,并针对现代折叠家具存在的普遍问题进行归纳整理。产品设计基本准则是“以人为本”,“人”是社会中的人,是大自然中的人,人是社会的中心,也是大自然的中心,亲近自然,回归自然,然后更多的去主动创造和设计人性化的新产品。选择组合式折叠家具,主要是因为综合现有市场的折叠家具,考虑各种因素后,认为组合式的更具有“简约时尚个性”,更适合当今经济可持续发展的时代要求。设计不但指产品的造型的创新,也包括对现有产品的一部分结构的创新改进,有些是在已有的基础上进行研究整理后做更新的改进处理。 运用工业设计知识和艺术理论,以“形式”和“色彩”为重点,针对年轻人群,赋予产品简约时尚的气质,并融入人机工程学及人性化设计,对传统的折叠家具进行创新。通过技术、艺术与人文的结合,不仅满足了人们对于折叠家具的使用的需求,更满足了人们对于居家生活高品质的追求。 关键词:折叠;人机工程学;简约;家具 THE DESIGN OF FOLDING FURNITURE Abstract This design from the understanding of folding furniture products on the market shape, structure and working principle of beginning of the history of the folding furniture design and modern design of the basic elements of folding furniture, and furniture for the modern existence of the common problems folding and sorting. Basic principles of product design is people oriented ,person in society, who are people of nature, man is a social center as well as the nature center, close to nature, back to nature, and then to take the initiative to create more And design user-friendly new products. Select modular folding furniture, mainly because of the integration of existing markets folding furniture, consider all the factors that combined the more simple and stylish personality , more suited to todays era of sustainable economic development requirements. Design not only the shape of a product innovation, but also part of the existing structure of the product innovation and improvement, and some are based on the existing research to do updates to improve after finishing treatment. Knowledge of the use of industrial design and art theory, to form and coloras the focus group for young people to give simple and stylish products, temperament, and into the ergonomics and user-friendly design, folding furniture, the traditional innovation. Through technology, the combination of arts and humanities, not only to meet p


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