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What is Marketing? Marketing can be defined as a series of activities leading to an exchange transaction between a seller and a buyer at a profit. Marketing activities center on an organization’s efforts to satisfy customer wants and needs with products and services that offer competitive value. The marketing mix (product, price, place, and promotion) comprises a contemporary marketer’s primary tools. Marketing is a universal discipline, as applicable in Argentina as it is in Zimbabwe. An organization that engages in global marketing focuses its resources on global market opportunities and threats. 3.What are differences between “regular” marketing and “global” marketing? p3 The scope of activities—Environment difference— outside the home-country market Global marketing involves an understanding of specific concepts, considerations, and strategies that must be skillfully applied in conjunction with universal marketing 4.Marketing: a universal discipline 4. boundaryless marketing? P3-4 无边界营销 5.The value equation 价值等式 p4-5 Globalization (Standardization) p6 西奥多·莱维特(Theodore Levitt),已故哈佛商学院资深教授,他是市场营销领域里程碑式的偶像人物,其营销思想构筑起了现代营销理念的基础。正如当代营销大家菲利普·科特勒所说,“莱维特就是营销的代名词”。 《Harvard Business Review》 “The Globalization of Markets” Levitt argued that marketers were confronted with a “homogeneous global village”. He advised organizations to develop standardized ,high-quality world products and market them around the globe by using standardized advertising, pricing, and distribution. Case: Coca-Cola p6 Global marketing made Coke a worldwide success. However, that success was not based on a total standardization of marketing mix elements. In Japan— global localization In India What does global localization really mean? p6 Means that a successful global marketer must have the ability to “think globally and act locally.” “Global” marketing may include a combination of standard (e.g., the actual product itself) and nonstandard (e.g., distribution or packaging) approaches. A


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