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吉林城市职业技术学院2015-2016学年度第二学期期末试卷 英语试题 注 意 事 项 1.首先按要求在试卷的密封处填写您的专业、姓名、班级和考试日期。 2.请仔细阅读试卷,按要求在规定的位置答题。 3.不要在试卷上乱写乱画,不要在标封区写无关的内容。 4.试卷分为BI卷和BII卷两部分。BI卷满分60分,时间40分钟; BII卷 满分40分,时间50分钟,总分共计100分,时间共计90分钟。 卷面 A卷 B卷 总分 评 分 人 分 数 【B I卷试题】 得 分 评分人 Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions given below, and change the form where necessary.(填空)15’military divorce 1. We have no interest in interfering in the____________ affairs of other countries. 2. The exhibition ________________ paintings by Picasso. 3. The storm ________________ bright sunshine. 4. Children’s pictures ________________ the walls of the classroom. 5. I was sure he was involved in some kind of ________________ activity. 6. According to the old ________________, Romulus was the founder of Rome. 7. I ________________ walking to cycling. 8. He ________________ an audience of 10,000 supporters. 9. The classmates discriminated against him because of his parents’ ________. 10. Christmas is one of the main _______________ in the Christian Calendar. 11. This gives the design team a ________________basis for their work. 12. Jack ran across the field with one police officer ________________ him. 13. It’s the ________________ for the bride’s father to pay for the wedding. 14. In some countries all the young men do a year’s ________________service. 15. That weekend in Venice was definitely the ________________ of our trip. 得 分 评分人 二、Choose the best answer for each sentences. (选择) 15’ 1. There are several research centers in China_____ a certain disease called Bird Flu is being studied. A. which B. where C. when D. what 2. This is the case ______ he’s had all his money stolen. A. when  B. where C. that D. on which 3. October 15th is my birthday, ______ I will never forget. A. when  B. that C. what D. which 4. We saw him ______ the building and go upstairs. A. to enter B. enter C. entering D. entered 5. --Have


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