《Unit 2 I know that you will be better at maths课件》初中英语外研社版九年级下册20780.ppt

《Unit 2 I know that you will be better at maths课件》初中英语外研社版九年级下册20780.ppt

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《Unit 2 I know that you will be better at maths课件》初中英语外研社版九年级下册20780

* * * * * * Module 8 Unit 2 I know that you will be better at maths. friends kind happy funny nice able humorous clever interesting helpful polite bright strong honest What should a good friend be like? I think that a good friend should be… 毕业演讲 Graduation Speech What will you say in your graduation speech? I would like to say … Look at the picture and choose the answers to the questions. There may be more than one answer. Who will probably get thanks from the school-leavers? a) Family. b) Friends. c) Teachers. 2. What is the speaker probably going to say? a) Thank you. b) Good luck! c) Cheers! √ √ √ √ P66 1 Read the passage quickly and find : Which three groups of people does the speaker want to thank ? She wants to thank her friends, her teachers, her parents 2. What’s the style of the passage? This is a speech draft (演讲稿). [drɑ:ft] 短文的类型 1. “Fellow students” means ____________ classmates 2.What are the three things the speaker has learnt? friendship, effort, trust (信任) Read Para 1 and Para 2, answer the questions. Dear head teacher, teachers, parents and fellow students, I’m very _______ that you have chosen me _________ to you today. I have three roses here. These roses are __________ (thank) three groups of people for three most important things ______ I have learnt. These three things are friendship, effort and trust. 3. Complete the passage with proper words. proud to speak to thank that Read paragraph 3, answer the questions. 1. Who does Betty give the red rose to? 2. Why does Betty give the rose to them? 3. How is Betty now? She gives the red rose to her friends. Because when she made mistakes, they were not laughing at her, they taught her to say many things in Chinese and kindly invited her to join them. Thanks to their help, her Chinese is much better. Read paragraph 4, answer the questions. Which sentence means “You have to work hard to s


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