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沃顿商学院 最受欢迎的谈判课 ACCLAIM FOR STUART DIAMOND AND HIS NEGOTIATION CLASSES If I had spent my entire tuition at USC to take only your course, it would have been well worth it—the most valuable class ever, including the U of Chicago, Skidmore, and UCLA.” —Beth S. Brandegee, MBA, USC The best class at Wharton; it changed my life.” —Jim Vopelius, Vice President and CFO, Trident Risk Management There isn’t an hour that goes by in my personal and professional lives when I don’t use what I learned from your class.” —Bill Ruhl, Director, National Customer Service Operations, Verizon I am living proof that this course does pay ! I saved $245 million for my company.” —Richard T. Morena, CFO, Asbury Park Press 沃顿商学院 最受欢迎的谈判课 The best class ever at Google—it should be required for all salespeople. I know I will use all of my newly realized tools for the rest of my life.” —Patrick Grandinetti, Senior Manager, Google I have found the lessons I learned at Wharton from Stuart Diamond invaluable to helping me achieve my goals, whether on the field, in the office, or at home with my five children.” —Anthony Noto, CFO, National Football League I would rate this course as the crown j ewel. It fundamentally changed my way of thinking.” —Ravi Radhakrishnan, Senior Manager, Accenture In the years since I graduated, it has become clear that there is one class that has paid for my entire education—negotiation. I was able to sell an asset that I purchased for $1 to a public company for $450,000. It was a direct result of what I learned in the class.”


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