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clasp n 1. firm hold with the hand; grasp; grip 紧握; 抓; 攥: He held her hand in a firm clasp. 他紧紧握着她的手. 2. embrace 拥抱. ??? v 1. hold (sb/sth) tightly in the hand 握紧; 紧握; 攥: She was clasping a knife. 她攥着一把刀. They clasped hands (ie held each others hands) briefly before saying goodbye. 他们匆匆握手告别. 2. hold (sb) tightly with the arms; embrace 抱紧(某人); 拥抱: He clasped her to his chest. 他把她紧紧地抱在怀里. ?? College, I decided, was probably the only time I would be completely forgiven for any mistakes.?? (Line 47 )? It is the only time + 从句 (唯一 做······的时间/阶段) 在我看来,大学阶段可能会是自己犯任何错误都可以得到完全谅解的唯一一个阶段。 童年是我们一生中唯一没有烦恼的一段时期。 Childhood is _____________________________________ . Presidency was the only time he would rather never forget. 那段总统任期是他永远也不想忘记的唯一的一段时期。 the only time we have no worries in our lives hesitation (Line 7, Para. 2) n. waiting and not deciding 犹豫 A qualified soldier should _______________________ _______________. 一名合格的士兵应该在战场上勇往直前。 He ________________ in whether or not sentencing the captives to death. 在是否要处死这些战俘的问题上,他有些犹豫不决。 march forward on battlefield without hesitation felt some hesitation await (Line 7, Para. 2)和wait的词义辨析 Don’t wait if I am late. 两词均含有“等待”之意。 Many enthusiastic fans were waiting for famous singer Jay Chow to arrive at the airport. wait vi. 着重指静候于某处,直到期待之人、物或事物的来临或出现。很少用作及物动词。 许多热心的歌迷正在机场等待着周杰伦的到来。 万一我来晚了,不要等我。 await vt. 有时可与wait互换,但await的语气更为正式,常用于书面语中,往往着重指不断等待认为必然会出现的人或事,有时含耐心之意。 Success never comes to those who await it idly. 成功决不会降临到那些坐等的人身上。 All people were awaiting their king to return. 所有的民众都在等待着他们的国王的归来。 await vt. be ready or waiting for (sb/sth) 准备以待, 期待… A warm welcome awaits all our customers. 对我们所有的顾客准备好了热烈的欢迎。 A surprise awaited us on our arrival. 我们到达的时候,等待着我们的是一件出乎意料的事。 请用 “wait”或 “await” 两词的适当形式填空。 His wife never keeps him ________ . I’ll _______ you in the car. An especially good dinner _________ us at the inn.


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