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remove (Line 23, Para. 3) vt. vi. 1) take off or away from the place occupied; take to another place He decided to remove his family to the seashore. 将军决定把部队调往前线。 他决定把家搬到海边。 The general was determined to remove the troops to the front. 自原来位置拿开;取去;移动 He is in bad temper because he _____________________ yesterday. 他脾气不好是因为他昨天被撤职了。 He _____________________ because of his cheating in an exam. 因为在一次考试中作弊,他被学校开除了。 2) dismiss 把······免职;撤去 was removed from office was removed from school remove (Line 23, Para. 3) 把······排除在外;排除······的可能性 Police have ______________ but are still holding several people for questioning. 警方已经排除了谋杀的可能,但还是留下了几个人盘问。 rule out (Line 35, Para. 5) ruled out murder 恐怕我们不能排除您正在找的人已经被恐怖分子绑架的可能性。 I’m afraid we can’t ___________________ that the man you are seeking might have been kidnapped by terrorists. rule out the possibility rule out (Line 35, Para. 5) 把······排除在外;排除······的可能性 feature (Line 37, Para. 5) n. an important aspect of something 特点 characteristic and feature characteristic “特点”,“特征”,指character(性格)中的特质。一个人可以有许多characteristics,但作为性格只有一个character。 feature 多用于说明地理、气候、风景的特点。 e.g. The main features of Dalian city are the mild climate and beautiful scenery. 大连市的主要特点是温和的气候与美丽的风景。 词义辨析 请用characteristic 或feature 的适当形式填空。 Heavy rains and strong wind are ________ of the weather in some southern cities. Although she has lived in Japan for three years, she knows very little of the essential _____________ of Japanese life. features characteristic n. 1) an established tradition, a habit, a custom 制度,习俗 Giving presents at Christmas is an institution. 圣诞节时赠送礼物是一种习俗。 institution (Line 51, Para. 6) The institution of marriage has existed for centuries. 婚姻制度已经存在了好几个世纪了。 2)(医院、学校等)社会公共机构 He planned to ____________________ for the severely handicapped. 他计划建立一个为严重残疾者服务的机构。 establish an institution institution (Line 51, Para. 6) 比较:institute 学会,协会;学院, (大学)学校;(


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