新编大学英语第三册 unit4.ppt

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新编大学英语第三册 unit4

In-Class Reading First of all, I am working very hard on my subjects, especially English. I am also involved in some social work in the university in order to get myself prepared for serving society, so that I can form a good relationship with colleagues and business partners. Warm-heartedness is also a very important attribute for my future career. I participated in a couple of money-raising activities to help those victims of floods and earthquakes. If possible, I would also learn to drive. Having a driver’s license will enable me to stand a better chance in the job market, I think. Well, it seems that I have a lot to do to get ready for the future. Three steps in job-hunting 2. … as many as a third of the students are unable to express any choice of occupation. face v. 1. if you face a difficult situation or if it faces you, you must deal with it 面临,面对 Part Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading 1) The President faced the difficult task of putting the economy back on its feet. 2) I was faced with the awful job of breaking the news to the girl’s family. 2. be opposite a person, building etc. 面向,面朝 1) They stood facing each other for a few minutes. 2) My bedroom faces south. cf. Part Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading Back to the text 3. accept that a difficult situation or problem exists, even though you would prefer to ignore it 正视,面对 1) Many couples refuse to face the fact that they have problems with their marriage. 2) Face it, kid, or you’re never going to be a rock star. Part Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading resort to 1. do something bad, extreme, or difficult because you cannot think of any other way to deal with a problem (In this phrase, “to” is a preposition, so it should be followed by either nouns or gerunds.) 求助于或诉诸于(这里“to”是介词,其后要跟名词或动名词。) 1) I had to resort to violence to get my money. 2) When she didn’t answer the telephone I resorted to standing outside her window and calling up to her. a we


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