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Content pages
Content pages
CCoonntteenntt ppaaggeess
Executive summary1
Part 1: history2
Part 2: structure and management3
Part 3: products and services4
Part 4: strategic management5
Part 5: financial performance7
Part6: risk management10
Part7: future planning12
Conclusions 13
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Executive Summary
Executive Summary
EExxeeccuuttiivvee SSuummmmaarryy
JP Morgan Chase Co. is one of the biggest banks in the world. In this report, firstly it
investigates the history of the company, which can be traced back to 1871.After a series
of business activities over a century, now it is a huge banking consortium which provides
a comprehensive products and services. In the second part, it discusses about the
management and structure within the company. And then the third part introduces its
products and services in different business lines.
In the part 4 and 5, it shows that the current performance and the SWOTrespectively. JP
Morgan chase is operating over 60 countries around the world now. As it is operating
such a huge and complex business, the risk management is critical for them. According
the part 4 and 5, we are going to the risk management and future planning in part 6 and
In the conclusion, after viewing the performance and management, it is optimistic about
the JP Morgans future. In this decade, JP Morgan is likely going to maintain the leading
position in banking industry around the world.
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JP Morgan Chase Co is a big f