《Physical Chemistry 7ed 物理化学(第七版)》教师用书 Peter Atkins-Julio de Paula -Instructors Solution Manual-Chap18.pdf

《Physical Chemistry 7ed 物理化学(第七版)》教师用书 Peter Atkins-Julio de Paula -Instructors Solution Manual-Chap18.pdf

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《Physical Chemistry 7ed 物理化学(第七版)》教师用书 Peter Atkins-Julio de Paula -Instructors Solution Manual-Chap18

18 Spectroscopy 3: magnetic resonance Solutions to exercises Discussion questions E18.1(b) Before the application of a pulse the magnetization vector, M, points along the direction of the static external magnetic field B0 . There are more α spins than β spins. When we apply a rotating magnetic field B1 at right angles to the static field, the magnetization vector as seen in the rotating frame begins to precess about the B field with angular frequency ω = γ B . The angle through which M rotates is 1 1 1 ◦ θ = γ B1t , where t is the time for which the B1 pulse is applied. When t = π/2γ B1, θ = π/2 = 90 , and M has rotated into the xy plane. Now there are equal numbers of α and β spins. A 180◦ pulse applied for a time π/γ B1, rotates M antiparallel to the static field. Now there are more β spins than α spins. A population inversion has occurred. E18.2(b) The basic COSY experiment uses the simplest of all two-dimensional pulse sequences: a single 90◦ pulse to excite the spins at the end of the preparation period, and a mixing period containing just a second 90◦ pulse (see Fig. 18.44 of the text). The key to the COSY technique is the effect of the second 90◦ pulse, which can be illustrated by consideration of the four energy levels of an AX system (as shown in Fig. 18.12). At thermal equilibrium, the population of the αAαX level is the greatest, and that of βAβX level is the smallest; the other two levels have the same energy and an intermediate population. After the first 90◦ pulse, the



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