intersectionality and the spectrum of racist hate speech:交叉性和种族仇恨言论的谱.Image.Marked.pdf

intersectionality and the spectrum of racist hate speech:交叉性和种族仇恨言论的谱.Image.Marked.pdf

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intersectionality and the spectrum of racist hate speech:交叉性和种族仇恨言论的谱.Image.Marked

Intersectionality and the Spectrum of Racist Hate Speech: Proposals to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination Nazila Ghanea Human Rights Quarterly, Volume 35, Number 4, November 2013, pp. 935-954 (Article) Published by The Johns Hopkins University Press DOI: 10.1353/hrq.2013.0053 For additional information about this article /journals/hrq/summary/v035/35.4.ghanea.html Access provided by University of Hull (28 Nov 2013 06:50 GMT) HUMAN RIGHTS QUARTERLY Intersectionality and the Spectrum of Racist Hate Speech: Proposals to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination Nazila Ghanea* AbSTRACT The purpose of this article is to give attention to the concept of racist hate speech and particularly to the fact of its complexity and inseparability from a wider spectrum of hatred. Using the methodology of intersectionality, this article encourages the CERD Committee’s continued but cautious en- gagement in relation to racist hate speech. This article is a lightly modified version of a paper the author was invited to present at the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination’s day of thematic discussion on Racist Hate Speech, held during CERD’s eighty-first session on 28 August 2012 in Geneva. I. THE bACkDRoP of fREEDoM of ExPRESSIoN AND INCITEMENT IN HUMAN RIGHTS INSTRUMENTS Before turning our attention to the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) and racist hate speech, it is * Nazila Ghanea (Ph.D.) teaches International Human Rights Law at the University of Oxford and is a member of the OSCE Advisory Panel of Experts on Freedom of Religion or Belief. Her publications include nine books, five UN publications as well as a number of journal articles and reports; including: Are Relig



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