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【IELTS】相当强悍!雅思考官揭露中国学生口语弊病!口语PART1中国考生必须注意之处!不能错过! 来源: 孙佳的日志 The Introduction Phase of the Speaking Test? ? 本 人善于从网络收集大量雅思资料,当然,都是相当实用的,对于自己复习的学生,可以看看我发的帖子,都是相当有用的!今天,一如以往,我找到了一个绝对对于 中国学生在口语PART1中有用的东西!以下内容是从事多年雅思考试的外国朋友总结的,全部英文。-如果你连下面的内容也看不懂,要查字典的话,你的雅思 成绩估计也就4分上下-(此话,是作者说的,不是我说的,哈哈)。 如果大家看完以后学到什么了,那就是我最大的动力,我会继续把PART2以及PART3的相关资料和预测发上来!(都是很权威的) ?请大家不管用什么方法,一定要认真看完,内容不难,但是所涉及的问题,大多数人都有可能会发生。 有时间的同学可以再看一下我的阅读技巧(整理版)帖子:/dispbbs.asp?boardid=344Id=223817 以及听力技巧(整理版)帖子:听力技巧(整理版)帖子:/dispbbs.asp?boardid=344Id=223818 ? 以下内容只有回复后才可以浏览? ? 以下内容需要花费现金10才可以浏览,您已经购买本帖? Note that EVERY candidate is asked these questions, exactly (or almost exactly) as they are written here. The Standard Introduction Questions 1.??“Good morning (good afternoon). My name’s X. Can you tell me your full name, please?”??(= Please tell me your name.) 2.??“What can I call you?” (= What shall I call you? = What should I call you? = What would you like me to call you?) 3.??“Can you tell me where you’re from?”?(= Where are you from?) 4.??“Can I see your identification, please?”?(= Could I see your identification, please? = May I see your identification, please?) (The examiner is usually referred to as he on this page because writing, he or she is too cumbersome. Actually, about 40% of the examiners are female.) The ‘Introductory’ phase of the test consists of a greeting from the examiner, followed by four questions.?The main purpose of this part is to check the candidate’s identity. At the same time, the examiner begins to get an impression of the candidate’s English ability. Although this is (indirectly) part of the test, you should not give long, detailed answers because: a)??? Long, detailed answers are not appropriate for these questions and, b)??? The examiner wants to do this part of the test quite quickly, in about 30 seconds. Since this is the very beginning of the test and since the examiner wants to do this part quickly, try to avoid causing the examiner to ask you to repeat what you just said


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