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Chapter 5 Newton’s Laws ; The Englishman Sir Isaac Newton published a book in 1687 called Philosphiae Naturalis Principa Mathematica (The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy)—referred to nowadays as simply The Principia—which began the modern study of physics as a scientific discipline. Three of the laws that Newton stated in The Principia form the basis for dynamics and are known simply as Newton’s Laws of Motion. ; In kinematics we discovered the nature of how objects move, but there still existed the question of why objects move the way they do? For this fundamental task of understanding the cause of motion, we must turn our attention to dynamics. ;INTRODUCTION TO FORCES(力) ;NEWTON’S FIRST LAW ; This property of objects, their natural resistance to changes in their state of motion, is called inertia. In fact, the First Law is often referred to as the Law of Inertia. ;NEWTON’S SECOND LAW ; Two identical boxes, one empty and one full, have different masses. The box that’s full has the greater mass, because it contains more stuff; more stuff, more mass. Mass (m) is measured in kilograms, abbreviated as kg. (Note: An object whose mass is 1 kg weighs about 2.2 pounds.) If a given force produces some change in velocity for a 2 kg object, then a 1 kg object would experience twice that change. Note that mass is a proxy for the extent of inertia inherent in an object and thus inertia is a reflection of an object’s mass. ; Forces are represented by vectors; they have magnitude and direction. If several different forces act on an object simultaneously, then the net force, Fnet, is the vector sum of all these forces. (The phrase resultant force is also used to mean net force.) ; Since Fnet = ma, and m is a positive scalar, the direction of a always matches the direction of Fnet. ;NEWTON’S THIRD LAW ;Example 1 What net force is required(需要) to maintain a 5,000 kg object moving at a constant velocity of magnitude 7,


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