人教版选修七Unit One 基础知识回扣(原创).doc

人教版选修七Unit One 基础知识回扣(原创).doc

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人教版选修七Unit One 基础知识回扣(原创)

选修七 Unit One Living well 基础知识回扣 Ⅰ. Reading: Marty’s story R1356 一.语言点: 1.ambition: 志向抱负,雄心野心[c]/[u] achieve /realize one’s ambition实现某人的夙愿 ambitious: adj. 有志气的;有野心的 He is a man of ambition. = He is full of /filled with ambition. 他是个有志向的人。 Her ambition is to become a film star.她一心追求的是做电影明星。 have an ambition to do sth /of doing sth= be ambitious to do sth/of doing sth 有做…的志向或野心;渴望做某事 have an ambition for sth = be ambitious for sth 有…的志向/野心;渴望得到… He has an ambition for power. = He is ambitious for power.他怀有权利的野心。 2. suitable: adj. 适合的;适宜的: be suitable for…=be fit for… 适合… This toy(玩具)is suitable/fit for children. be suitable to do sth=be fit to do sth 适合做… The food is not suitable /fit to eat. He is suitable /fit for the job.= He is suitable/fit to do the job. 他适合干这份工作。 3. benefit: vt./vi. (使)受益:A benefit B=B benefit from A benefit: n.益处,好处[c]/[u]:for one’s benefit=for the benefit of sb为了…的利益 beneficial: adj. 有益的,受益的: be beneficial to sb/sth…=be of benefit to sb/sth对…有益 Sunshine benefits plants. = Plants benefit from sunshine. 阳光使植物受益。 Fresh air is beneficial to our health.= Fresh air is of benefit to our health. 新鲜空气有益于我们的健康。 4. adapt: (1) vt./vi.(使)…适应: adapt (oneself ) to (doing) sth= adjust (oneself) to (doing) sth… 改编,改写(rewrite): adapt A for B :把A 改编为/成B 对比:adapt A from B :A从B改编而来,A由B改编而成: (2)adaptation: n. 适应;改编(本) adaptable: adj. 能适应的;可改编的 (3)辨析:adapt adopt: adopt: vt. (1)采用,采纳:adopt a suggestion采纳建议 (2)收养:adopt a girl 收养一个女孩 an adopted girl一个养女 He adapted (himself) to the new environment / climate/the change/the dark. (新环境/气候/变化/黑暗) The story was adapted for a TV play. 这个故事被改编成了电视剧。 The play was adapted from a story. 这部戏剧由一个故事改编而成。 5. annoy: vt. 打搅,干扰,使烦恼,使生气: annoy sb 使某人生气 annoyed : adj.恼怒的,生气的 (主语是人 ) annoying :adj. 令人恼怒/生气的(主语是物) 对比: sb be annoyed with sb:某人对…某人感到生气(= sb be angry with sb ) sb be annoyed at /about /by sth 某人对/因…某事/物感到生气 annoyance:n. [u] /[c]: 烦恼/气愤(的事情或原因):


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