License Exceptions - Los Alamos National Lab National 许可例外-洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室的国家.pptVIP

License Exceptions - Los Alamos National Lab National 许可例外-洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室的国家.ppt

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License Exceptions - Los Alamos National Lab National 许可例外-洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室的国家.ppt

Department of Commerce Bureau of Industry and Security Regulatory Policy Division in the BIS Organization Bureau of Industry and Security Export Administration (EA) Office of Exporter Services (OExS) Regulatory Policy Division (RPD) Topics of Discussion Regulatory Highlights from June 2007- June 2008 Update on 2007/2008 Systematic CCL Review (implementation status and next steps) Establishment of Regularized CCL Review Process by BIS BIS Mission To advance U.S. national security, foreign policy, and economic interests. BIS is responsible for implementing and enforcing the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), which regulate the export and reexport of most commercial items. EAR is Regularly Updated June 07- June 08 BIS published: -22 rules amending the EAR -3 proposed rules -4 notices Importance of keeping up to date -BIS email notification service - “Rules Affecting the EAR” /bis/fedreg/ear_fedreg.html EAR Regulatory Highlights June 07- June 08 End-Users of Concern (e.g., Expansion of General Order No. 3 and addition of Entities to the Entity List) Validated End-User Program (addition of India as eligible destination and first set of VEUs) Regime rules for Australia Group and Wassenaar Arrangement Expansion of tools of trade provisions under License Exceptions TMP/BAG CCL Review Notice of Inquiry and publication of first CCL review rule 2007/2008 Systematic CCL Review Starting in 2007, BIS undertook initiatives to establish a regularized CCL review process July 17, 2007 – BIS published a notice of inquiry, “Request for Public Comments on a Systematic Review of the CCL” BIS received 26 public comments and 3 TAC comments BIS Created Ad Hoc Task Force to Evaluate CCL Review Comments BIS has completed the initial review of the public and TAC comments Experts from EA categorized, evaluated, and prioritized the comments CCL review process has been productive and a large number of changes have been identified for implem


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