Moreland Settlement Powerpoint - APD:解决PowerPoint APD的选手.ppt

Moreland Settlement Powerpoint - APD:解决PowerPoint APD的选手.ppt

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Moreland Settlement Powerpoint - APD:解决PowerPoint APD的选手.ppt

What Will I See In My Notice? The services included were: adult day training, behavior services, consumable medical supplies, durable medical equipment, in-home-supports, nursing services, occupational therapy, personal care assistance, physical therapy, residential habilitation, respiratory therapy, special medical home care, supported employment, supported living coaching, and support coordination “Target Allocation” is the greater of this amount or your iB810 amount iBudget Florida APD * What Will I See In My Notice? The Allocation Implementation Meeting – Extraordinary needs review APD directed your support coordinator to meet with you and/or your legal representative to discuss your extraordinary needs to determine whether they could be met by the Target Allocation iBudget Florida APD * What Will I See In My Notice? Together, you were to fill out an Allocation Implementation Meeting (AIM) form that was to be turned in to APD with a Recommended Cost Plan budget if you believed that an increase in the Target Allocation was necessary to meet your extraordinary needs “Extraordinary needs” is defined in iBudget Rule 65G-4-0210(7) /gateway/ruleno.asp?id=65G-4.0210 iBudget Florida APD * What Will I See In My Notice? Your notice will indicate whether APD received or did not receive an AIM form from your waiver support coordinator APD will also indicate whether other information was used to make a decision on your request for an increase in your Target Allocation iBudget Florida APD * What Will I See In My Notice? Other Information that APD could have used to determine your budget included: AIM Form Documents submitted with AIM Form (list) Support Plan QSI Behavioral Plan Other iBudget Florida APD * What Will I See In My Notice? Based upon the information just listed, APD decided that: You DO NOT have extraordinary needs that would require an increase in your Target Allocation amount. Thus, your iBudget Allocation is $______________ OR b. You DO have extra


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