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郑州旅游职业学院 毕业设计(论文) 毕业设计(论文)诚信声明书 本人声明:本人所提交的毕业论文《 》是本人在指导教师指导下独立研究、写作的成果,论文中所引用他人的无论以何种方式发布的文字、研究成果,均在论文中加以说明;有关教师、同学和其他人员对本文的写作、修订提出过并为我在论文中加以采纳的意见、建议,均已在我的致谢辞中加以说明并深致谢意。 本论文和资料若有不实之处,本人承担一切相关责任。 论文作者: (签字) 时间: 年 月 日 指导教师已阅: (签字) 时间: 年 月 日 摘 要 随着经济社会的发展,语言学的发展也突飞猛进。越来越多的人意识到语言的重要性,在学术界,许多专家学者在语言学领域进行研究,分别在不同层面进行分析,外国专家学者也不例外,在语言学知识逐步成形、发展和成熟的过程中,我们日渐自觉与熟练地利用普世性的理论概念和方法描写与解释汉语现象,探索汉语与其他语言之间的共性以及汉语自身的特点。随着研究的不断深入,专家学者提出更准确、更全面,从而更具有普遍意义的新的理论和概念。在这个发展过程中,国外语言学与中国语言学的研究关系越来越紧密,本文将从中国语言学与外国语言学的发展历程方面进行描述,剖析在不同历史时期对人类社会发展的重要性。通过对比研究,得出中国语言学与外国语言学的不同之处和各自的研究意义。 关键词:语言学领域 ;汉语现象; 国外语言学与中国语言学 ;人类社会发展 Abstract(英文摘要) With the economic and social development, linguistic development by leaps and bounds. More and more people have realized the importance of language, in academia, many experts and scholars in the field of linguistics study were analyzed at different levels, foreign experts and scholars are no exception. In the gradually forming, developing and maturation process of linguistic knowledge, we become more conscious and skillful use of universal theoretical concepts and methods of description and interpretation of the phenomenon of Chinese, English and other languages to explore commonalities as well as Chinese own characteristics. With the deepening of the study, experts and scholars made more accurate, comprehensive and thus more universal significance of new theories and concepts. In this process of development, the relationship between foreign linguistics and Chinese linguistics have become closer, the essay analyzes in different historical periods on the importance of development of human society from Chinese Linguistics and Linguistics describe aspects of the development process. Key words: Field of linguistics Linguistics; Chinese phenomenon; Foreign Linguistics and Chinese Linguistics;the development of human and society 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract(英文摘要) II



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