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“商机一点通”产品特点 产品及公司信息将被雅虎全球的搜索引擎索引收录 24-48小时的快速更新信息 雅虎香港、中国、新加坡、澳大利亚、等分站首页有直接入口 可以无限发布产品及新闻信息 提供即时咨询及通讯的增值服务 中文简体、繁体、英文三种版本共存 雅虎商机一点通卖点: 一、同时登录 3721、一搜、雅虎中国、等雅虎品牌下的网站; 二、无限收录关键字; 三、提供无限空间、使用与雅虎门户网站同等级别的空间,质量更高,更稳定; 四、可以自行发布新闻,雅虎及其搜索将及时收录新闻; 五、通过雅虎国际的28个站点,保留与国外买家沟通的机会。 同时登录 3721、一搜、雅虎中国 同时登录 3721、一搜、雅虎中国 更多中文案例分析 英文案例分析 (8 minutes) Set the stage – Nature of the Problem Before we get into our objectives for the seminar, I’d like to hear about your objectives. Why did you come here today? What are you hoping to take away from this seminar? Chart participant expectations/objectives on a flipchart Indicate which expectations will be covered in the seminar and which will not Invite participants to jot down their objectives on the page titled, “My Objectives” under the “Seminar Takeaways” tab. Assumptions: Need concrete suggestions on ways to drive adoption because nobody is using our portal. Want to see if Yahoo! has done things I can apply to my situation. Want to talk to others about what it takes to drive higher adoption. Want ideas on how to take our portal to the next level. About to launch our portal and want to make sure I haven’t missed anything. (3 min) We decided to host this seminar when we realized that many of our customers were asking us the same questions: How can we improve usability and drive adoption of our portal? How do we deliver better services? How do we increase operational efficiencies? How do we better leverage our existing IT investments? Like you, many of them: Wanted ideas on how to … Were about to launch their portal and… Were looking for ways to drive adoption because… * 雅虎商机一点通 中国内销企业销售指南 中小企业如何投放推广? a) 网络营销概念: 通过网络完成有效的信息传递 在适当的时间,将适当的信息,传给适当的人。 b) 网络营销的多样化 网络黄页 网络广告 (Sina Sohu Netease…) 搜索引擎 易趣、淘宝 专业网站 (化工网、阿里巴巴等) mass mailing 广告链接 。。。。。。。。 对比传统营销手段 —— 网络营销应该最合适您的方案 最合适您的营销方案是搜索引擎推广 针对性、主动性 新客户比例高 客户群体广泛 d) 中国搜索引擎使用习惯 中国搜索引擎使用习惯分析 新浪 搜狗、搜狐 网易 Yahoo、一搜、3721 百度 Google 其它(个人网站、小搜索引擎) 如何达到最佳推广效果? 网站选


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