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荔湾区第五届“张道真杯”小学生英语知识邀请赛试题 姓名____________学校__________准考证号______________ 一、听问题一次,选出问题的正确答案并将答案编号写在括号内。(10分) () 1. A. The cactus. B. The lotus. C. The lily. D. The tulip. ( ) 2. A. In Beijing, China. B. In Vancouver, Canada. C. In London, Britain. D. In Athens, Greece. ( ) 3. A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five. ( ) 4. A. Seoul. B. Tokyo. C. Bangkok. D. Hanoi. ( ) 5. A. On August 8th. B. On September 18th. C. On October 28th. D. On November 12th. ( ) 6. A. Kao Kuen. B. Yang Zhenning. C. Zhong Nanshan. D. Qian Xuesen. ( ) 7. A. Kiwis. B. Penguins. C. Ostriches. D. Swans. ( ) 8. A. David Beckham. B. Tiger Woods. C. Usain Bolt. D. Liu Xiang. ( ) 9. A. In Africa. B. In the Arctic area. C. In Australia. D. In the Antarctic. ( ) 10. A. December 25th. B. October 31st. C. The fourth Thursday in November. D. The special Sunday in March or April. 二、听一个生词和一段含有这个单词的对话一次,根据对话内容猜出词的正确解释并将答案编号写在括号内。(10分) () 1. A. 家具B. 古董C. 古钱币D. 曾祖父 () 2. A. 出现B. 捉住C. 搜查D. 逮捕 () 3. A. 物品B. 冠词C. 文章D. 报刊 () 4. A. 接待员B. 机修工C. 救生员D. 宇航员 () 5. A. 化妆师B. 理发师C. 美甲师D. 按摩师 () 6. A. 书虫B. 书套C. 扉页D. 书签 () 7. A. 佛教徒B. 穆斯林C. 素食者D. 节食者 () 8. A. 流水线B. 自助餐厅C. 传达室D. 厨房 () 9. A. 童真B. 童年 C. 童趣D. 童话 () 10. A. 摩天大楼B. 城堡C. 比较D. 测量 三、听短文一次,根据短文内容选出问题的正确答案并将答案编号写在括号内。(10分) 短文一 () 1. Which of these is true? A. The tallest man in the world is Zhao Liang. B. The tallest man in the world is Yao Ming. C. The tallest man in the world is He Pingping. ( ) 2. Which of these is not true? A. Zhao Liang comes from Henan, China. B. Zhao Liang is twenty-nine years old. C. Zhao Liang is 236 cm tall. ( ) 3. Which of these is not true? A. When Zhao Liang was born, he weighed 5.5 kilos. B. When Zhao Liang was born, he was 56 cm long. C. When Zhao Liang was 13 years old, he was 186 cm. ( ) 4. Which of these is not true? A. He Pingping was only 74.61 cm tall. B. He Pingping weighed 17 kilos. C. He Pingping was born in Inner Mongolia. ( ) 5. Which of these is not true? A. He P


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