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公开课总结 一、教学设计 Senor 2B Lesson 66 Life in the future NO.2 Middle School Stacey Lee With the approach of information age and the globalization of our country, more and more English-learning websites make their appearance on the education stage. How can we make good use of these websites? Is it possible, convenient and profitable to include on-line reading into our traditional class? This class attempts to involve Internet into our English class, for the purpose of answering the above-mentioned questions. 21stcentury is one of the best websites for English learners. It has a school edition designed for middle school students. It is expected that the students might extend their knowledge and improve their reading skills by reading this on-line website. Teaching plan: Step 1: Lead in. Sing a song: Whatever will be will be Watch a movie about a future city Talk about some places and areas where computers can be used. Step 2: Reading. Fast reading. Main idea and key words Intensive reading. Students discuss and find detailed information Step 3 Internet surfing Students go on to find information about latest scientific developments. Students share the information they have found with classmates Step 4 Discussions With the information provided by the Internet and the text, students choose one of the following tasks to talk with their partners. My life in the future Design a future product, such as a future house, a future classroom, etc. Is it possible that the future will be worse? If so, why? Step 5 Conclusion Step 6 Homework. Go on the Internet for more information about the life in the future. 二、教学体会 一)、本次公开课的理论依据 建构主义学习理论Constructive Learning Theory)认为知识不是通过教师传授得到的,而是学习者在一定的情景下,借助他人的帮助,以及必要的学习资源,如书本知识、多媒体课件或网络资源等等,通过意义建构的方式获得的。因而建构主义的教学理论要求教师要由知识的传授者、灌输者转变为学生主动建构意义的帮助者、促进者;彻底摒弃以教师为中心、强调知识传授、把学生当作知识灌输对象的传统教育思想与教学模式)、利用网络资源辅助阅读教学的必要性。 首先,目前高中英语阅读教学课堂上主要围绕教材展开,课外主要是完成辅导书中的阅读理解,这些材料知识更新周期长,信息量小,远远落后于时代的步伐,难以激起学生的学习兴趣。 而网络提供了大量即时信息,与时俱进,合理利用网络资源能够弥补教材信息量小,与时代脱节的


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