曹 必修2 Module 3 Language points1.ppt

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曹 必修2 Module 3 Language points1

1) audience n. 听众,观众,读者 a large / small audience 人数众多(稀少)的听众,观众或读者 There was a large audience in the theatre. 剧院中的观众很多。 A broadcaster may have an audience of several million. 广播演说者可能有几百万听众。 2) be known as …以……知名,被认为是 He is known as a great child composer. be known for… = be famous for…因……而著称 He is known for his readiness to help others. make oneself known to somebody 向某人做自我介绍 make something known to somebody 把某事向某人公布 3) father n.创始人, 奠基人,发明者, 根源 Chaucer is the father of the English poetry. 乔叟是英国诗歌之父。 Who is the father of radio? 4) change…into 变成, 兑换成 change… for… 以……换…… change English into Chinese change francs into Renminbi He changed his car for his friend’s mobile phone. get changed 更衣 change n. (u)零钱,找头 Here is your change. I have no change about / on/ with me . 5) piece n.(文艺作品的)篇,首,幅 a piece of poetry a snow piece 一幅雪景图 6) voice, sound and noise 的区别 7) court n. 庭院,法庭,球场 8) empire n. 帝国 emperor n. 皇帝 empress n. 女皇,皇后 prince n. 王子, 亲王 princess n. 公主,王妃 9) by the time 到 …….时候 ( 引导状语从句,常与完成时连用) By the time he was ten, he had learned 1000 words. 10) tour vt.游历,周游,巡回演出 tour the world 周游世界 The play will tour the countryside in the autumn. 这出戏将在金秋在农村巡回演出。 n. 游历,观光 make a round–the–world tour 做环球旅行 11) be impressed with sth = be impressed / moved / struck by sth 对……有深刻印象 We were impressed with the beauty of the West Lake. The beauty of the West Lake was impressed on us. 12) something wonderful (他要给世界带来精彩) I have something important to tell you . Do you want anything else ? 13) However, it was Haydn who encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna. It is / was + 被强调成分 + that / who + 其余部分. I met Li Ping in the park yesterday. 强调主语,宾语,地点状语,时间状语 14) rest n. 剩余的人(物),做主语时,动词 数的形式取决于它的具体所指。 I take some money and the rest is yours. Some students went t


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