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河南科技大学 2011本科毕业论文(设计) 论文题目:输送机重要零件设计与加工 姓名: 院系:机电学院 专业:机械设计及其自动化 班级: 学号: 指导老师: 完成时间: 摘 要 输送机的传动是把电能转化为机械能的一种装置,是依靠电机驱动的。它输出机械能的方式是靠输出扭矩来完成的,目前各种输送机已有了标准的型号,但主要应用在标准化的生产中。输送机在工作中由于承受很大扭矩和冲击载荷,使输送机在工作中的出现发热和电机主轴零件的磨损,往往使主轴弯曲变形降低输出效率甚至损坏电机。因此需要对输送机的主轴和轴承盖盖改进和设计。提高输送机输送效率。通过计算校核输送电机端盖和主轴重要零件,利用caxa和proe软件,对其改进和设计好的电机的主轴和端盖进行数控加工制造模拟和仿真,给出零件的仿真轨迹和NC程序,指导零件的数控加工降低加工输送机的成本和工序,来提高电机工作状况的延长其使用寿命。 关键词:输送电机,端盖,输送电机主轴,NC程序。 Abstract The drive motor is the electrical energy into mechanical energy of a device, as long as it is to rely on electromagnetic induction transformation. It is on the way of mechanical energy output to the output torque, current conveyor motor has a standard model, but mainly used in standardized production. The conveyor at work due to bear large torque and impact load, so that the conveyor appeared in the work of the heating and wear parts of the motor shaft, often causes the bending deformation and reducing the output efficiency and even damage the motor. It needs to be improved and the design of the conveyor shaft and end cap. Improved conveyor conveying efficiency. The design and improvement of the good parts were simulated and the simulation of NC machining and manufacture, the parts of the simulation and NC program, CNC machining guide parts cost reduction and processing conveyor. To check the shaft parts with good design. To improve the working condition of the motor and prolong its service life. Keywords: conveyor motor end cover, transmission shaft. NC program. 目 录 1 绪论………………………………………………………………………………………...........................….1 1.1 引言………………………………………………………………………………..........................……1 1.2 输送机的发展………………………………………………………………….............................1 1.3 输送机国内外研究现状……………………………………………………...........................2 1.4 输送机的设计意义及内容……………………………………………….............................2 1.5 输送机应用前


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